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Resurgimiento [Resurgence]

Wynnie Mynerva Mendoza Ortiz

Painting (Painting)

Wynnie Mynerva places their body at the center of their practice from an intimate perspective and healing dimension. Their paintings are thresholds where body parts proliferate beyond names and labels, dissolving and intermingling gender marks, organs, and prostheses. Resurgimiento [Resurgence] was produced in the aftermath of their fifth solo show Closing to Open (Galería Ginsberg, Lima, 2021), in which Mynerva addressed their experience of going through a vaginal surgical procedure to help them feel more aligned with their gender identity.

The Calling

Angelica Mesiti

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Angelica Mesiti’s piece, The Calling (2013-14) is a poignant exploration of ancient human traditions evolving and adapting to the modern world. The three-channel work focuses on traditional whistling languages and shows the communities of the village of Kuskoy in Northern Turkey, the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands, and the island of Evia, Greece, where such languages are all still in use. For these communities, whistling languages are in a process of transformation from their traditional use as tools for communication across vast lands into tourist attractions and cultural artifacts and are being taught to local school children.

Pink Cloud Awaits

Harit Srikhao

Photography (Photography)

Young men are often found together in uniform, already influenced by ideology and bodily and style stereotypes. The majority of these photographs are linked to the memory of the military coup d’état in 2014 when the artist was very young. The imagination always remains at the center of Harit Srikhao’s work and may be defined as an arm against convention.

Head in Hands

Joe Biel

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Head in Hands by Joe Biel is part of a larger series of drawings made in connection with the book of short stories Navigating Ghosts by Annie Buckley. Biel’s small-scale black and white drawing features a torso holding their own head in their hands, though the expression on the bodiless face maintains a serene sensibility. The edges of the drawing around the figure’s neck and torso are softened so that the figure appears ghostly, as if the character is an illusion or dream.


Maya Watanabe

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Three men with their backs to each other, dressed similarly in dark colors, stare straight at the camera. They individually deliver sacred lines from the Torah, New Testament, and Qur’an in their representative languages: Old Hebrew, Greek, and Old Arabic. As the camera slowly rotates around the trio, the men begin to perform traditional manifestations of each religious cult: Torah Cantillations, Gregorian Chants, and tilawat of Al-Qur’an.

Megan and Hazel Sue at Creekmore House

Carolyn Drake

Photography (Photography)

Megan and Hazel Sue at Creekmore House by Carolyn Drake is from a series of works titled Knit Club . For this project, Drake collaborated with an enigmatic group of women in Mississippi who loosely call themselves “Knit Club”. The subject matter of this photograph centers on the relationship between the girl and doll in the painting, and the woman and girl in the photograph.

Didn't Know I Died

Manuel Correa

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Manuel Correa’s short film Didn’t Know I Died is a testimonial portrait of the acclaimed Colombian poet Olga Elena Mattei. Earlier in her life during a simple medical operation, Mattei was declared medically dead. In the film, she recounts her first memory upon waking up, a dream.

Projet d’attentat contre l'image (Acte 3)

Sinzo Aanza

Installation (Installation)

Projet d’attentat contre l’image? (Acte 3) by Sinzo Aanza brings together literature and objects in their varied forms. This project stems from the artist’s interest in the syncretism that emerged after Congo’s independence in 1960.

Fig. 33. 9 Your Love is a King

Yeni Mao

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Fig. 33. 9 Your Love is a King by Yeni Mao is a sculpture made of blackened steel, brass, glazed ceramic, and leather.

An Emo Nose

Wong Ping

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

This selection of poster prints of Wong Ping’s animations includes the films Jungle of Desire, Doggy Love, Slow Sex, An Emo Nose, and Stop Peeping . They serve as a glimpse into the discourse and intricacy of the artist’s imagined, yet responsive approach to his realities. The series of posters echoes the once-vibrant aura of movie posters, when they were designed by artists and designers to encapsulate the tone, story, and visual style of a film in one large image, and were often as iconic as the movie itself.

The subtle rules the dense

Phoebe Collings-James

Sculpture (Sculpture)

The Subtle Rules the Dense is a series of masks/torsos/body plates that Phoebe Collings-James cast from mannequins and then worked by hand. The resulting objects lie ambiguously between a representation of a human torso and a shamanistic mask. The work is reminiscent of Yoruba and Makonde body masks that portray pregnant forms, as well as Roman armor with nipple rings.

Llorar mucho (To Cry A Lot)

Fernanda Laguna

Painting (Painting)

Llorar mucho (To Cry A Lot) is representative of Fernanda Laguna’s practice of the past twenty years. It is an upshot of intense emotional stress and psychological regression for the artist, which resulted in her renewed and strengthened commitment to feminist causes, especially in Villa Fiorito, but also as part of the leading committee of Ni Una Menos in Argentina. It also picks up the thread of earlier works, accentuating the use of cotton, and embracing an almost cornily sentimental tone.

3FACE #3381

Ian Cheng


Ian Cheng’s project 3FACE is based on a model that is derived from both the artist’s extensive readings on psychology and cognition, and his own intuitive understanding of how people function. 3FACE positions the process of minting a generative NFT as a metaphor for personality development. While part of a series, because of the responsive coding, each NFT is unique and is informed by the contents of the owner’s wallet.

The Interrogation

Wang Tuo

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The Interrogation is a video constructed entirely from still film photography and photoshop collage — playing out as a photomontage along with a voiceover. By using still photography instead the moving images, Wang Tuo creates room for the audience’s imagination. The voiceover produces a rhythm to enhance the tensions in the work.

Falling Wall

Public Movement

Falling Wall is choreography consisting of a wall, three performers wearing uniforms, and a short ritual. The performers stand aligned in front of the wall, which suddenly falls, menacingly, in the direction of the viewers. The synchronicity of collapse echoes the possibility of transgressing borders such as state frontiers, or even the museum wall.

Bugs Bunny Behind a Mesophile Bush

Paloma Contreras Lomas

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Paloma Contreras Lomas sometimes incorporates large scale drawing into her practice. For Contreras, drawing is a deeply personal and corporeal exercise that she relates to writing and narration. Her charcoal drawing Bugs Bunny Behind a Mesophile Bush features a gigantic hat providing shelter to the simultaneously identifiable and unidentifiable cartoon character hiding behind a wild bus.


Sam Contis

Photography (Photography)

Sam Contis’s photographs explore the relationship of bodies to landscape, and the shifting nature of gender identity and expression. Horseback is part of a photographic series Contis made at Deep Springs College, one of the United States’s last all-male institutions of higher learning, located in a remote desert valley on the California–Nevada border. Horseback is a black and white photograph that depicts the arched shoulders of a horse, its slick mane splayed across its neck.


Francisco Herrero Peñuela

Painting (Painting)

Francisco Herrero Peñuela uses old forms to make his elaborate, richly textured surfaces. Practicing a form of marquetry common in 15th century Italy—intarsia—Peñuela pieces together fragments of wood to create abstract images in warm tones of gold, brown, and black. While original Italian intarsia would have been representational, embedding landscapes, objects, and narrative scenes directly into walls, Peñuela’s compositions hedge away from direct representation, with shapes and pattern emerging organically out of his carefully arranged wooden pieces.

Residential apartments/ water reserve & wind towers on Sayad highway, Fabrications

Nazgol Ansarinia

Sculpture (Sculpture)

In the early 2000s, as urban redevelopment accelerated and intense construction significantly diminished public space in Tehran, state-funded murals began to represent imaginary landscapes on building facades. The municipality of Tehran uses such pictorial representation to to exert influence over and come to terms with the flow of communal desire. The protrusion of the unreal onto the real interrupts the values, independence, and functionality of one over the other.


Ishola Akpo

Photography (Photography)

Noticing the lack of archives on the queens of various African kingdoms, artist Ishola Akpo created several series of work that retrace their history. Akpo uses different mediums in these projects, as a metaphor to the complex stories of the figures and their true political weight. One part of the project, the Agbara Women photographic series, employs fictional portraits that sheds light on the queens’ histories.

Humour and Law

Karam Natour

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Humor and Law, Kick of Duality, Point of View III, Selfie with Pan, and Thinking of You are part of an ongoing series of digital drawings Karam Natour has been creating since he was studying at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. The protagonist of the vast majority of these drawings is Natour himself, naked and without facial features. They were initially created only in digital formats – the artist would perform the postures required for the drawing, document himself and then trace the figure digitally – to be posted on Facebook, often generating debates online among friends and colleagues.

Untitled (Beheading)

Mike Cloud

Painting (Painting)

In his series Hanging and Beheading Paintings Mike Cloud speaks to the suffering of a series of named (and occasionally unnamed) individuals, addressing their trauma within the language of abstraction. They offer the viewer an aesthetic account of individuality, death, and the empathic space of communion in absence via avant-garde portraiture, unbound by the rules of anatomy or even representation, but instead by purely expressive compositional and aesthetic goals. Untitled (Beheading) embraces the individual subjectivities of notable and mundane contemporaries — from pop stars to serial killers — in cryptic ways, connected only by the physical circumstances of their deaths.

Against Step

Yim Sui Fong

Installation (Installation)

In the nine-channel video installation, Against Step by Yim Sui Fong, a phantasmagorical image of a male dancer appears on a large-scale video projected on a floating retro-projection screen. His cathartic sequence of movements is based on an index of the bodily behavior of random people previously recorded by the artist while observing thousands of Hong Kong citizens in public space. Some of this recorded footage, done in poor mobile video quality, is played on loop in a set of TV monitors placed below the large projection.


Aslan Goisum

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The video work Volga by Aslan Goisum begins with a sweeping field caught under a misty, gray sky. In the center of the frame is a white car of the eponymous Soviet make—standard-issue for the imperial administrative class during the USSR’s ‘Period of Stagnation.’ The vehicle is the only indication of cultural geography in the video; what unfolds must be somewhere in the former USSR. In a slow crescendo of activity and tension, small groups of men, women, and children, walk up to the car and squeeze into it.

France, détours, episode 2: this line is your path

Frédéric Moser, Philippe Schwinger

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In 1978, Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville made the TV series: “France / tour / detour / two / children”, in which they aimed to identify the lifestyle of French people in 12 episodes of 26 minutes each. On each episode a little boy and girl are firstly asked about their daily lives. By broadening the scope of the interview, the questions of Godard and Mieville gradually bring the protagonists to think of themselves as subjects in the history of the world, to “live and see themselves on television” with a critical point of view.

Tarahi IV

Haris Epaminonda

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination. The images she works with to create her collages (paper or video) come from magazines or history books, film extracts or soap operas from the 1960s and 1970s. By readapting a universal past (in her work on monuments) as well as personal (with tv series she used to watch as a child, etc.)

Les allégories

Chloé Quenum

Sculpture (Sculpture)

The stained glass windows of Chloé Quenum’s Les Allégories evoke the sacred and describe the movement of a rooster in the form of patterns extracted from a wax fabric found in Benin. The in situ motif becomes a motive of situation to materialize a certain idea of the movement. Her work is a form of thought about written language transformed into a sculpted piece.



Film & Video (Film & Video)

The absurd condition of human survival under environmental degradation and geonational balkanization is taken as a starting point for WA’AD by YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES. The work’s premise is a confessional narrative emerging from a Palestinian astronaut on a desperate international flight mission to colonize Mars. That there is also an Israeli astronaut on the same mission plays into the complexities of the landed history of ethnic antagonism between Israel and Palestine, which has stretched on for centuries.

Distorting Words

Wang Tuo

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Distorting Words is the second chapter of The Northeast Tetralogy , a film project that Wang Tuo began in 2017. The project is a unique regional research of Northeastern China that addresses the region’s geopolitical contentions. Drawing on significant moments from China’s modern history, Wang’s visual storytelling sets up and displaces a series of socio-historical situations through multiple narrative structures.

Extrastellar Evaluations III: Entropy: 25800

Yin-Ju Chen

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Extrastellar Evaluations is a multimedia installation produced during Yin-Ju Chen’s residency at Kadist San Francisco in the spring of 2016. Chen’s project departs from a 19th century theory popular within Western biogeography that posited the existence of a “lost land” or ancient continent called Lemuria that had sunk beneath the Indian and Pacific Ocean due to cataclysmic geological change. As a result, its inhabitants, the Lemurians, found refuge in Mount Shasta, California.

Wong Ping

Obscenity and profound issues of contemporary society are not mutually exclusive in Wong Ping’s video works...

Karam Natour

Through video and digital drawing Karam Natour manifests his interest in the power of language, and specifically how translation becomes a unique vehicle for a deeper understanding of issues connected to identity, race and gender...

Wang Tuo

Through film, performance, painting, and drawing, artist Wang Tuo interweaves disparate realities through archives, modern history, myth, and literature...

Ian Cheng

The work of Ian Cheng explores evolutionary processes, including mutation and adaptation in response to changing conditions...

Harit Srikhao

Harit Srikhao perceives photography as a culturally determined medium...

Julian Abraham

Julian Abraham “Togar” is an artist, musician, and pseudo-scientist...

Carolyn Drake

Carolyn Drake works on long term photo-based projects that involve travel and collaboration...

Matthew Angelo Harrison

Detroit’s Matthew Angelo Harrison works at the intersection of sculpture and technology, building his own 3D printers (which rise to the status of sculpture), and using these creations to formulate others...

Pierre Gonnord

Pierre Gonnord is known for his large scale photographic portraits of people who inhabit the fringes of society...

Lubaina Himid

Javier Castro

Javier Castro was born in the in the neighbourhood of San Isidro in the heart of Habana Vieja, Cuba, where he lives and works...

Fernanda Laguna

Fernanda Laguna has mobilized and influenced a whole generation of artists through her various projects since the mid-1990s...

Baseera Khan

Designed by the artist and fabricated in collaboration with Kashmiri artisans, Baseera Khan’s Psychedelic Prayer Rugs combine visual iconography traditional to Islam, such as the crescent moon and lunar calendar, with brightly colored symbols of personal significance to the artist: a pair of embroidered sneakers, a fragment of an Urdu poem, and the Purple Heart medal...

Karla Kaplun

Karla Kaplun’s practice centers on micro-utopias, the construction and functioning of collective memory, as well as mechanisms of political and economic power and control...

Brian Tripp

Brian D...

Sin Wai Kin

Through performance, moving image, writing, and print, artist Sin Wai Kin (formerly known as Victoria Sin) uses speculative fiction to interrupt normative processes of desire, identification, and objectification...

Mithu Sen

Mithu Sen’s writing is central to her practice, as a poet from West Bengal, a region of great Indian literary history, poetic and visual tropes giving ground to her challenge of semiotics...

Shaun Leonardo

For the past decade Shaun Leonardo’s practice has been fully engaged in the politics of race, identity and pervasive male violence in sports...

Shen Xin

Shen Xin’s practice examines how emotion, judgment, and ethics are produced and articulated through individual and collective subjects...

Gauri Gill

Gauri Gill is interested in the social contract of photography...

Angela Su

Angela Su’s practice is derived from her two divergent backgrounds–she received a degree in biochemistry in Canada before pursuing visual arts...

Yim Sui Fong

Through moving image and video installations, Yim Sui Fong’s practice is primarily focused on her interest in performativity; how an individual or collective body navigates the lines of social mobility in an increasingly controlled public sphere...

Wu Tsang

Wu Tsang’s work is often framed in terms of her identity as a trans woman of color...

Erick Beltran

Tracey Rose

Tracey Rose, (b...

Danielle Dean

Danielle Dean creates videos that use appropriated language from archives of advertisements, political speeches, newscasts, and pop culture to create dialogues to investigate capitalism, post-colonialism, and patriarchy...

Chto Delat

Chto Delat was founded in 2003 and consists of a group of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers from Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod...

Nazgol Ansarinia


about 50 months ago (03/30/2020)


about 56 months ago (09/25/2019)


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about 223 months ago (01/10/2006)