Dr.N Song

2013 - Film & Video (Film & Video)

Ozawa Tsuyoshi

Dr. N Song belongs Ozawa’s body of work The Return of Dr. N in which he follows a humorous fictional character based upon the historical figure Dr. Hideyo Noguchi who researched yellow fever in Ghana in 1927. Though Dr. Noguchi was known for his unruly temper and behavior and many of his discoveries were erroneous, he was widely revered in Japanese society. Ozawa’s Dr. N story explores links between Japan and Africa, past and present, fact and fiction, through the commissioned work of Ghanaian painters and musicians working in popular African styles.

Ozawa Tsuyoshi is a Japanese conceptual artist who constructs satirical takes on history. He often draws upon 1970s and 1980s Japanese history—the time of his childhood and Japan’s rapid economic growth. He co-founded with Chen Shaoxiong and Gimhongsok the artist collective “Xijing Men,” meaning people who come from the fictitious state of Xijing. Each of the artists consider historical events through images, installations, and performances.


Related works featuring themes of: » Appropriation Art, » Collective History, » Contemporary Conceptualism

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