I (heart) Data Mining

Who (hearts) data? I do. Who (hearts) data mining? Most everyone, since the ramifications of new knowledge patterns found in masses of previously uncollectible or un-parsable data allow for new insights and new types of social connectedness. Who (hearts) data mining? Anyone who profits from it, or uses it to political ends, such as Facebook, Investigative Data Warehouse, Apple Computer, The Department of Homeland Security, Narus, Target, Twitter, Project Narwhal, or now-shut programs like ADVISE, which in 2006 “was capable of analyzing one billion pieces per hour of ‘structured’ information, such as databases, and one million pieces per hour of ‘unstructured’ information, such as intelligence reports, emails or news articles.” 1 — Amy Balkin I (heart) Data Mining , 2012 is a special commission of Kadist.
