Carla Zaccagnini, El presente, mañana (The present, tomorrow)

Carla Zaccagnini, El presente, mañana (The present, tomorrow) Available to view from February 23, 2022, 10 am PST Carla Zaccagnini’s iconic lecture-performance El presente, mañana (2018) is newly produced as a finished video made exclusively for KADIST. The piece explores the relationship between modern Brazil and its colonial past by sharing images and research related to the Brazilian Gold Rush of the 17th century and the archetypal figures of the slave, martyr, and traitor in the formation of history. Carla Zaccagnini is a visual artist and writer, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and based between São Paulo, Brazil and Malmö, Sweden. Zaccagnini uses a variety of media including performance, video, drawing, installation, and text to investigate problems of displacement. Her practice responds to the development of modern Brazil, exploring the political and economic environment in which she works. Zaccagnini’s work was included in The Missing Circle , curated by Magalí Arriola on view at KADIST San Francisco through January 22, 2022.
