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Juego de Banderas

Antonio Caro

Painting (Painting)

Juego de Banderas (a play on words that loosely translates to both set of flags and game of flags) is a triptych of modified Colombian flags by Antonio Caro. Although the yellow, blue and red stripes on the first flag are faithful to the original, the second flag at the center has been modified to feature the word Colombia, emulating the typography and white-on-red design of the iconic Coca-Cola brand. Caro’s first version of this logo was a 1976 graphite drawing, and he has since produced several variations in different materials.

One Must

John Baldessari

In One Must , an image of a pair of scissors, accompanied by the words of work’s title, poses an ominous question about the relationship between the image and the text. The otherwise banal scissors become suggestively violent in relation to the text, which was originally the title of a print in Francisco de Goya’s Disasters of War series. However, Baldessari is less interested in the logical relationships between text and image than he is with the conceptual leaps that the viewer makes with the limited information provided.

This One, That One

Micah Lexier

Film & Video (Film & Video)

This One, That One by Micah Lexier does not have one ultimate version, but instead consists of a source body of 51 separate chapters that are edited to make up different versions. These different versions are edited depending on the context in which the work is being shown. For instance, the version that was shown at the Power Plant consisted of 20 chapters and was edited specifically for that venue, keeping in mind its length and the other works exhibited in the other rooms.

Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), etc.: Arm (with Bottle)

John Baldessari

Photography (Photography)

Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), etc. : Arm (with Bottle) belongs to Baldessari’s most recent series of paintings in which the artist brings together photographic, painted, and three-dimensional elements, to juxtapose unlikely body fragments such as noses and ears, elbows and knees, or eyebrows and foreheads.

Person with Pillow: Desire, Lust, Fate

John Baldessari

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

The voids in Baldessari’s painted photographs are simultaneously positive and negative spaces, both additive and subtractive. In Person with Pillow: Desire, Lust, Fate , a woman’s facial expression is obscured by such void, leaving only her posture to suggest her emotional state. The two images stacked above the woman can be read as comic-style thought bubbles, intimating that she has lust, desire, and fate on her mind.

Sleeping Elephant in the Axis of Yogyakarta Series

Wimo Ambala Bayang

Photography (Photography)

Composed of four images, the series Sleeping Elephant in the Axis of Yogyakarta (2011) explores the artist’s observation of how Javanese mythology and cosmology have marked the geography of Yogyakarta, the cultural centre of Indonesia. Through photomontage digital operation, an identical elephant is superimposed in front of iconic landmark of the city: Parangtritis Beach, Sultan Square, the City Monument and Mount Merapi. These four locations are spiritual symbols and the subject of cosmological beliefs in Indonesia and the imagery of elephant has long been considered as a cultural and religious icon.

The Book Cover series

Heman Chong

Painting (Painting)

With a habit of reading eight to ten books at the same time, Chong paints his two-foot tall novel covers through referencing an extensive reading list (accessible on Facebook) he has kept since 2006. Entitled “Bibliography (1): The Lonely Ones,” the list outlines representations of solitude that has been imposed on individuals or communities. Chong divides these archetypes into three over-arching notions: the Hide-away, the Castaway and the Prisoner.

Calendars (2020-2096)

Heman Chong

Installation (Installation)

The work Calendars is composed of 1001 images of deserted public areas in Singapore printed on pages of a calendar set from the year of 2020 until 2096. Yet Chong photographed these public spaces (shopping centers, museums, MRT stations and schools) between 2004 and 2010. Calendars continues Hong’s conceptual investigation of the intersections between time, space and situation.

Variation & Improvisation for ‘In Harmonia Progressio’

Duto Hardono

Performance (Performance)

Variation & Improvisation for ‘In Harmonia Progressio’ by Duto Hardono is part of a series of work that focuses on sound loops as a fundamental element of his performance – a metaphor that Hardono employs as he examines the human condition, such as time and temporal spatiality. Unlike other works, where he generates sound using analog cassette tapes, this performance uses the human voice. Participants are instructed to vocalize ‘In’, ‘Harmonia’, and ‘Progressio’ – words that make up a Latin phrase which means “progress inside harmony”.

Iron Sorrows

Alexis Smith

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Iron Sorrows (1990) brings together what are for Alexis Smith common motifs and materials such as scavenged and repurposed metal, and street signage. Iron is one of nature’s most abundant metals. Smith, a philosopher of human detritus and poetic associations, presents it in this work as simultaneously everywhere yet paradoxically forgotten, lost in the heaps of refuse that fill junkyards and vacant lots.

8 Ball Surfboard

Alexis Smith

Sculpture (Sculpture)

In 8 Ball Surfboard (1995),Alexis Smith combines her long-term interests in California culture and conceptual assemblage. The surfboard, an emblem of Southern California, emblazoned with the image of an eight-ball, references numerous tropes and clichés of American popular culture, specifically subcultures related to pool halls, surfing, and beaches. Indeed, this model-scale surfboard may be a future pop-culture relic, referencing a particular surfer or era of board design.


Jordan Kantor

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Eclipse is a series of screenprints from Jordan Kantor’s larger vitrine installation that included reworkings of a single image of a small group viewing an eclipse through shielding cut-outs. Printed on a clear surface, the work plays with ideas of obstruction and viewing, connecting spectacular natural phenomena with contemporary art making.

Sal Sem Carne

Cildo Meireles

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Meireles, whose work often involves sound, refers to Sal Sem Carne (Salt Without Meat) as a “sound sculpture.” The printed images and sounds recorded on this vinyl record and it’s lithographed sleeve describe the massacre of the Krahó people of Brazil. The piece draws on Meireles’s first-hand contact with many indigenous groups through his father’s work with the Indian Protection Service. The recordings on the LP contain narrative accounts of massacres of native peoples, as well as indigenous music and rituals.


Paul Kos

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Taking its title from the eponymous mythological creature—famously featured as sea nymphs in Homer’s Odyssey. Sirens exist in literature across many cultures including Ancient Greece and India, described as part bird and part woman, or like a mermaid. They were said to charm men by their song, and, having first lulled them to sleep, tear them to pieces.

Collectors’ Favorites

Jennifer Bornstein

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Collectors’ Favorites is an episode of local cable program from the mid-1990s in which ordinary people were invited to present their personal collections—a concept that in many ways anticipates current reality TV shows and internet videos. When it comes her turn to “perform,” Bornstein displays mundane and disposable—but elaborately archived or framed—consumer objects such as coffee lids, plastic straws, candy wrappers, and product labels. Through the medium of public broadcasting, then, she makes visual the frequently overlooked but massive cultural penetration of advertising, and its proliferation of “throwaway culture” via images.

Enemy’s Enemy: A Monument To A Monument

Tuan Andrew Nguyen

This work presents the image of an immolated monk engraved on a baseball bat. The flames surround him eroding the extremity of the bat. The delicate sculpture refers to the sacrifice of the Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, who immolated himself on June 16th 1963, in reaction to the discrimination and the repressive politics of the Diem Catholic regime (regime installed by the Americans) towards the Buddhists.


Gabriel Sierra

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Untitled consists of a small wooden sculpture that leans against a wall. Here, a rectangular piece of wood holds a folded article from a vintage design magazine whose Italian text states: “Villa per una persona sola. Arquitectura Pasadena California.” On the flipside of the paper is a feature with different images of paintings and architecture, including a painting by Piet Mondrian.

2016 in Museums, Moneys, and Politics

Andrea Fraser

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

The year 2016 is organized like a telephone book; the data corresponding to the contributions are classified in alphabetical order by the name of the donor. With this database as well as other types of information, the 900-page book presents a material representation of the scale of the cross over between cultural philanthropy and the financing of political campaigns in America. It also provides an unprecedented resource for discovering the political leaning of the museum sector.


Geof Oppenheimer

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Designed as an installation timed spent is determined by the viewer, as with classical sculpture, Anthems is a piece that is in place, and in time, and an important genre of video within the collection. It is the overlapping of the beautiful with the impact of military ritual and pomp. The use of the sculptural props and again sound (the ideal presentation of this work is with surround sound) create a composition as visual as it is aural.

The White Album

Mungo Thomson

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

The White Album (2008) presents a compilation of one hundred issues of Artforum magazine released between 1970 and 1979. As with Will Rogan’s MUM series, also included in the Kadist Collection, vital information is now missing: All of all the articles and features have been removed, leaving only ten years of advertisements. In an unusual way, The White Album reminds us that this important New York-focused magazine was originally founded in 1962 in San Francisco to promote Bay Area artists before it moved to Los Angeles in the mid-1960s in search of a wider advertising base.


James Welling

Photography (Photography)

Welling employs simple materials like crumpled aluminum foil, wrinkled fabric and pastry dough and directly exposes them as photograms, playing with the image in the process of revealing it. Although Welling’s approach to photography is more conceptually oriented than poetic, the resulting image in Stowe (a direct photogram of a crumpled piece of cloth) somehow resembles a curtain, perhaps suggesting that an artificial even fictive component in photographic representation. While the curtain might echo other imagery, Welling’s approach is not allegorical but rather abstract in a way that reinforces the materiality of the object.

Untitled (TIME)

Mungo Thomson

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In Thomson’s Untitled (TIME) , every front cover of TIME magazine is sequentially projected to scale at thirty frames per second. In a way, this work both examines the construction of history and the history of the influential magazine, which was founded in 1923. In addition to the play on “time”—one of Thomson’s ongoing obsessions—this piece highlights and continues the artist’s encyclopedic impulse, also seen in The White Album (2008), to record the history of the spaces he inhabits.

Wall Window or Bar Sign (Insanity is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results)

Mungo Thomson

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Starting with Bruce Nauman’s iconic artwork, The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths (Window or Wall Sign) , Mungo Thomson’s neon sign is one of a series that replaces Nauman’s quixotic mini-manifesto with aphorisms from ‘recovery’ culture, especially those made popular by alcoholics anonymous. Thomson is referencing the lore that Nauman’s work (the first of many neons he’d make in the following years) had been inspired by a neon beer sign found in a corner-store in San Francisco that he used as his studio in the late 60s. This particular work has a self-critical subtext, as it also suggests the act of using another artist’s work, in an endless spiral of influence, is akin to a form of insanity.

Spaceship sketches of The Lemurian

Yin-Ju Chen

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

This work includes sketches for Extrastellar Evaluations , the project she produced at Kadist. Extrastellar Evaluations introduces Plato’s mythical state of Atlantis as the theoretical birthplace of conceptual art. Well-known and obscure epistemological notions from the annals of cosmology and mysticism guided and informed her research in the Bay Area during the Kadist residency at the beginning of 2016.

Sound of Ice Melting

Paul Kos

Installation (Installation)

Sound of Ice Melting is based on the ancient Zen Buddhist koan about the sound of one hand clapping. Here, Kos has surrounded two twenty-five-pound blocks of ice with eight microphones that call to mind the political press conferences prevalent during the Vietnam War era when this piece was created. Zen practice values such absurdity as a way to transcend the limitations of ordinary discourse and rational thought—empirical processes at the root of all political conflicts.

#17 Pink

James Welling

Photography (Photography)

#17 Pink is a photogram, a photographic image produced without the use of a camera. Here, the artist placed plumbago blossoms on a sheet of eight-by-ten-inch film and exposed it to light. The negative was then projected onto Kodak Metallic Endura paper through a color mural enlarger and cooler filters to produce the multicolored print.


H.H. Lim (Hooi Hwa)

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Images is a two channel video work addressing the relationship between art and ritual. On the left side, the artist is filmed in a sparse, red room with his tongue nailed onto a red table. With Lim’s freedom of movement and speech limited, the viewer focuses on the facial expressions of the artist as different streams of thoughts and realizations enter his mind.

Mungo Thomson

Wong Wai Yin

Wong Wai Yin is an interdisciplinary artist who experiments with a variety of media ranging from painting, sculpture, collage, performance, video, installations and photography...

Mario Garcia Torres

Paul Kos

John Baldessari

Jonathan Monk

Hank Willis Thomas

Jordan Kantor

Jordan Kantor’s artworks explore relationships between painting and photographic mediums...

Yin-Ju Chen

Ian Wallace

Walead Beshty

Pak Sheung Chuen

Roman Ondak

Lynn Hershman Leeson

Alexis Smith

Lisa Oppenheim

Moe Satt

Moe Satt is a Burmese visual and performance artist who uses his own body as a symbolic field for exploring self, identity, embodiment, and political resistance...

Agnieszka Kurant

Carla Zaccagnini

Rodney Graham

Birender Kumar Yadav

Birender Kumar Yadav is a multi-disciplinary artist who experiments with various media including painting, sculpture, photography, installation, etching, found and man-made objects, as well as live documentary...

Maaike Schoorel

Based on photographs and domestic environments, Maaike Schoorel’s paintings are charged with an atmosphere of melancholy and loss...

Taiyo Kimura

Taiyo Kimura works with sculpture, video, and installation and uses everyday objects, humor, and music to questions the meaning of ordinary life...

Lu Chunsheng

Heman Chong

Daniela Ortiz

In order to reveal and critique hegemonic structures of power, Daniela Ortiz constructs visual narratives that examine concepts such as nationality, racialization, and social class...

Andrei Monastyrski

Artist, poet, writer and theoretician...

Allan Sekula

Jill Magid

Jill Magid is a conceptual artist specialising in the infiltration of control organs and power systems...


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about 15 months ago (12/11/2023)

SVA’s MA in Curatorial Practice Prioritizes Professional Training Skip to content SVA MA Curatorial Practice students install Jun Ge’s inkjet print “Untitled” (2022) for the exhibition Was I Dreaming? , curated by Diana Colón...

Hernan Bas

about 15 months ago (12/09/2023)

Hernan Bas’s recent works, particularly his series “The Conceptualists,” showcase his continued exploration into the realms of queerness, desire, the occult, and the absurd...


about 15 months ago (11/29/2023)

William Anastasi, a prominent Conceptual artist, has died at 90...

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about 16 months ago (10/17/2023)

BOMB Magazine | Molly McGhee Necessary (Required) Cookies that the site cannot function properly without...


about 21 months ago (05/23/2023)

Rhea Dillon | Tate Britain A new body of sculptures by Rhea Dillon that consider the formation of British and Caribbean identities Rhea Dillon: An Alterable Terrain brings together new and existing sculptures as a conceptual fragmentation of a Black woman’s body...


about 24 months ago (03/01/2023)

With his wife Barbara, he made a major donation to the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in 2018....


about 29 months ago (10/05/2022)

Among the artists he collected were John Baldessari, Marcel Broodthaers, stanley brouwn, Donald Judd, On Kawara, and Joseph Kosuth....


about 29 months ago (10/05/2022)

Herman Daled, Conceptual Art Collector Whose Holdings Were Acquired by MoMA, Has Died - via ARTnews...


about 29 months ago (10/05/2022)

In 2016, Philippe Méaille signed a 25-year lease on a 15th-century Loire Valley château, where he is showcasing his collection of Conceptual art....


about 36 months ago (03/03/2022)

Creative Time's First Think Tank Now Public - Creative Time Creative Time’s First Think Tank Now Public March 3rd, 2022 Tweet Email For the past year, the Think Tank has served as an incubator and forum for reframing conversations and decision making processes, premised on an understanding of arts and cultural spaces as necessary points of intervention toward wider societal transformation...


about 76 months ago (12/07/2018)

Andre Elliott — UNRTD™ Andre Elliott Andre Elliott is a 23 year old artist currently based in California...


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about 143 months ago (05/16/2013)


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about 149 months ago (12/01/2012)


about 167 months ago (06/01/2011)