Société Anonyme: Week 5

Société Anonyme: Week 5 March 3 – 16, 2008 Saturday, March 8, from 6 – 9 p.m Presentation of “Art conceptuel, une entologie” (Editions MIX, edited by Gauthier Herrmann, Fabrice Reymond & Fabien Vallos) “Art Conceptuel, une entologie” is a collective translation experience of 278 conceptual artworks, most of them available for the first time in French. The three writers/translators/editors have selected works by 42 artists of the 1960s and 1970s (essentially American, German and Italian artists), redefining the limits of what is called Conceptual Art to consider it as part of literature in general – thus the subtitle « entologie », etymologically meaning “transplant”. The three editors of the book will discuss their working method, choices, stances and the necessity of rereading history, during a conversation with the public. Monday, March 10, at 8pm sharp A dinner with… Vitamin Creative Space Introducing the idea of publishing as a mobile space for creation, Zhang Wei and Hu Fang, will present their latest publications: « RMB City », a monography of artist Cao Fei (whose exhibition at le Plateau/Frac Ile-de-France will open on March, 12), and the latest novel by Hu Fang, « Pavilion to the Heart’s Insight ». Vitamin Creative Space is both an art space and a commercial gallery located in Guangzhou and Beijng by curator and novelist Hu Fang and curator Zhang Wei. Vitamin has developed as one of the rare independent art spaces in China, with a consistent publishing and curatorial program. Friday, March 14, from 6 – 9 p.m PHILIP A novel collectively written by a group of artists, graphic designers, critics and curators in seven days (Heman Chong, Cosmin Costinas, Rosemary Heather, Francis McKee, David Reinfurt, Steve Rushton, Leif Magne Tangen and Mark Aerial Waller). PHILIP was produced in 2006 by Project Arts Centre, Dublin and curated by Mai Abu ElDhab. A discussion around PHILIP with co-authors, Heman Chong and Cosmin Costinas, and Tessa Giblin, curator at Project Arts Centre, Dublin. Inspired by the worlds of Philip K. Dick, PHILIP is a novel envisioning the last week of the year 2019 in the life of a character that is desperately fighting for time to save his world. Technology, ideology, architecture, political construction and the prospects of global ruin are at the heart of science-fiction narratives and of PHILIP in particular. “The disintegration of the social and economic system had been slow, gradual, and profound. It went so deep that people lost faith in natural law itself. Nothing seemed stable or fixed; the universe was a sliding flux (…) all that remained was probable sequence: good odds in a universe of random chance.” – “Solar Lottery”, by Philip K. Dick (1955).
