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Book of Veles 12 - Concrete Foundations

Jonas Bendiksen


For his project Book of Veles artist Jonas Bendiksen travelled to the small city of Veles in North Macedonia, inspired by a series of press reports starting in 2016, that revealed Veles as a major source of the fake news stories flooding Facebook and other social media sites celebrating Donald Trump and denigrating Hillary Clinton. Scores of young people in the impoverished city had discovered that they could make a decent living by fabricating and circulating stories online. Originally presented as a book, Bendiksen’s haunting images show the city of Veles and its inhabitants.

Li Wenliang (Bronze, Plinth 1), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

Book of Veles 46 - Galena

Jonas Bendiksen


For his project Book of Veles artist Jonas Bendiksen travelled to the small city of Veles in North Macedonia, inspired by a series of press reports starting in 2016, that revealed Veles as a major source of the fake news stories flooding Facebook and other social media sites celebrating Donald Trump and denigrating Hillary Clinton. Scores of young people in the impoverished city had discovered that they could make a decent living by fabricating and circulating stories online. Originally presented as a book, Bendiksen’s haunting images show the city of Veles and its inhabitants.

Book of Veles 13 - Laptop

Jonas Bendiksen


For his project Book of Veles artist Jonas Bendiksen travelled to the small city of Veles in North Macedonia, inspired by a series of press reports starting in 2016, that revealed Veles as a major source of the fake news stories flooding Facebook and other social media sites celebrating Donald Trump and denigrating Hillary Clinton. Scores of young people in the impoverished city had discovered that they could make a decent living by fabricating and circulating stories online. Originally presented as a book, Bendiksen’s haunting images show the city of Veles and its inhabitants.

The Death of K9 Cigo

Emmanuel van der Auwera

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Emmanuel van der Auwera visited Miami at the end of 2017 and was working on a project relating to school shootings. Two months later, on 14 February 2018, 19 year old Nicolas Cruz killed 17 people and injured 17 others in a shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Van de Auwera began to follow videos uploaded to the Periscope App, a live broadcasting channel that closed in March 2021, downloading them and creating a bank of data that would otherwise disappear, as material on Periscope was self-deleting after a short period of time.

Marlene Garcia-Esperat (Silver, Plinth 5), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

Book of Veles 44 - Bojan

Jonas Bendiksen


For his project Book of Veles artist Jonas Bendiksen travelled to the small city of Veles in North Macedonia, inspired by a series of press reports starting in 2016, that revealed Veles as a major source of the fake news stories flooding Facebook and other social media sites celebrating Donald Trump and denigrating Hillary Clinton. Scores of young people in the impoverished city had discovered that they could make a decent living by fabricating and circulating stories online. Originally presented as a book, Bendiksen’s haunting images show the city of Veles and its inhabitants.

Marsha Coleman-Adebayo (Bronze, Plinth 2), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.


Juan Obando

Film & Video (Film & Video)

They/Them by Juan Obando is a video essay and deepfake that uses Adobe Stock clips, maintaining their branded watermark, but animating the scenes underneath with a narrative of self-critical awareness. It’s a meta-narrative that uses the staged scenarios (as evidence) to talk about the variable politics (and mercenary capitalism) of the stock footage industry and the misinformation dilemma we’re facing with the arrival of AI technology. In a surprising reversal, a deepfake is used to tell the truth.

Aaron Swartz (Bronze, Plinth 6), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

Book of Veles 14 - Nicola, Bogdan, and Tamara

Jonas Bendiksen


For his project Book of Veles artist Jonas Bendiksen travelled to the small city of Veles in North Macedonia, inspired by a series of press reports starting in 2016, that revealed Veles as a major source of the fake news stories flooding Facebook and other social media sites celebrating Donald Trump and denigrating Hillary Clinton. Scores of young people in the impoverished city had discovered that they could make a decent living by fabricating and circulating stories online. Originally presented as a book, Bendiksen’s haunting images show the city of Veles and its inhabitants.

Bunnatine Greenhouse (Silver, Plinth 4), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

Kimberly Young-McLear (Bronze, Plinth 3), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

Mona Hanna-Attisha (Silver, Plinth 3), Monuments of the Disclosed

Ahmet Ögüt


Monuments of the Disclosed by Ahmet Ögüt is an NFT series of digital monuments to whistleblowers. As part of the drop of Augmented Reality sculptures, Ögüt invites the public to participate in populating public space with AR monuments, honoring those who have stood up to corrupt power. Each monument is dedicated to a different individual who stood up to protest systems far larger than themselves.

In The Air Tonight

Andrew Norman Wilson

Film & Video (Film & Video)

On the first day of the Covid-19 lockdown in New York, Andrew Norman Wilson was evicted from his sublet and decided to board a $30 flight to Los Angeles that evening. From a cottage that faces the Hollywood sign, he began to dwell on an encounter he had with a woman driving alongside him on the highway, emphatically singing along to the song he was listening to through the same radio station. That song was Phil Collins’s “In the Air Tonight.” For Wilson, the uncanny synchronicity of this encounter with a stranger tuned into the same frequency resonated with the inspiration for Phil’s song, which he first heard as a teenager while getting high in a friend’s basement.

She’s gone

Jay Chung and Takeki Maeda

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Jay Chung and Q Takeki Maeda remake a clip from the 1970s they found on the internet, and without really changing this archive material, displace it by imitating the staging and the acting with scrupulous precision. The slightest details are reproduced identically with great minutiae. The facial expressions are absurd, the prim attitude makes no sense.

One Thousand and One Attempts To Be an Ocean

Yuyan Wang

Film & Video (Film & Video)

One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean by Yuyan Wang reflects on the experience of not being able to see the world with depth perception. Made up of micro-events from ‘satisfying videos’ that swarm on the internet, the abstract narrative unfolds through layers of appropriation; referencing trance and minimal music in the process. The work addresses a desire for groundless waves, blended with today’s inexorable entropy of information societies.


Yung Jake

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Unfollow is a music video by Yung Jake featuring a man haunted by the shadows of a former relationship. With the omnipresence of social media in our daily lives, breaking up in the physical world no longer suffices: posts by his ex-lover still appear in his newsfeed, reminding him of her presence and thus making it harder from him to let go of his relationship. As the ‘unfollow’ button on social media appears to be the only way to break up completely, Unfollow underlines the barrier between our online and offline identities and the difficulty to separate them.

Weather Forecast

Guan Xiao

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Mixed clips from her collection of thousands of images found online, the three-channel video Weather Forecast is an inquiry into the necessity of a physical movement (a travel) for our identity to transform or change. The question “Why can’t we view Europe from a chair?” periodically punctuates the video, suggesting that a similar personal transformation could occur by experiencing a place through the Internet and staying in the same place. Few episodes appear, each being a transformation process in itself, either by correlation, juxtaposition, combinations of specific matters such as iconography, texts, landscapes, events.

Any Resemblance is Coincidental

Chen Zhexiang

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In the video work Any Resemblance is Coincidental , CHEN Zhexiang mined portraits of real Asian criminals that were abandoned on the Internet. In order to form a database of the portraits, he saved the files under the original names retrieved from the Internet. CHEN used digital facial recognition technology to build a lexicon of the criminals’ facial characteristics in order to analyze them.

A Viewing (The Effect)

Anthony Discenza

Installation (Installation)

A Viewing (The Effect) by Anthony Discenza is a continuous voiceover loop intended for presentation in a dedicated, light-and-acoustically controlled space. “The Effect” employs hundreds of fragments of text culled from the internet by searching for occurrences of the title phrase. These fragments, which all address visual scenarios, were sequenced and edited to create the impression of a single text; this was recorded as a voiceover and presented in an acoustically controlled space devoid of any visual information.

Humour and Law

Karam Natour

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Humor and Law, Kick of Duality, Point of View III, Selfie with Pan, and Thinking of You are part of an ongoing series of digital drawings Karam Natour has been creating since he was studying at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. The protagonist of the vast majority of these drawings is Natour himself, naked and without facial features. They were initially created only in digital formats – the artist would perform the postures required for the drawing, document himself and then trace the figure digitally – to be posted on Facebook, often generating debates online among friends and colleagues.

Kick of Duality

Karam Natour

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Humor and Law, Kick of Duality, Point of View III, Selfie with Pan, and Thinking of You are part of an ongoing series of digital drawings Karam Natour has been creating since he was studying at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. The protagonist of the vast majority of these drawings is Natour himself, naked and without facial features. They were initially created only in digital formats – the artist would perform the postures required for the drawing, document himself and then trace the figure digitally – to be posted on Facebook, often generating debates online among friends and colleagues.

Selfie with Pan

Karam Natour

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Humor and Law, Kick of Duality, Point of View III, Selfie with Pan, and Thinking of You are part of an ongoing series of digital drawings Karam Natour has been creating since he was studying at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. The protagonist of the vast majority of these drawings is Natour himself, naked and without facial features. They were initially created only in digital formats – the artist would perform the postures required for the drawing, document himself and then trace the figure digitally – to be posted on Facebook, often generating debates online among friends and colleagues.

baby born in the back of an uber

David Horvitz


On March 30, 2015, at 5:52am, David Horvitz caught his daughter, Ela Melanie, as she was being born, in the back of an Uber driving through Midtown Manhattan. He held her up in the morning light as the car drove down Park Avenue, blocks away from the Museum of Modern Art, where Zanna Gilbert, the mother, was a fellow. After arriving at the hospital, Horvitz tweeted a photo and later e-mailed his friends and family with additional images.

Point of View (III)

Karam Natour

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Humor and Law, Kick of Duality, Point of View III, Selfie with Pan, and Thinking of You are part of an ongoing series of digital drawings Karam Natour has been creating since he was studying at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. The protagonist of the vast majority of these drawings is Natour himself, naked and without facial features. They were initially created only in digital formats – the artist would perform the postures required for the drawing, document himself and then trace the figure digitally – to be posted on Facebook, often generating debates online among friends and colleagues.

I can’t believe we are still protesting

Wong Wai Yin

Photography (Photography)

Drawn from the widely circulated images of protests around the world in support of women rights and racial equality, the phrase I can’t believe we are still protesting is both the title of Wong Wai Yin’s photographic series and a reference to similar messages seen on protest signages. The artist used found images from the internet, including a viral photo of an elderly woman who took part in the 2016 “Black Monday” strike against a proposed anti-abortion law in Poland, and another image taken the same year of a group of protestors in the United Kingdom, rallying for the Black Lives Matter movement. Drawing parallels with Hank Willis Thomas’s I Am a Man (2013) painting in the KADIST Collection, Wong employs the visual language and terminology of mass media, specifically borrowing images from protests on civil rights issues.


Petra Cortright

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In her 2011 webcam video, Sickhands , Cortright poses before her in-computer camera, as her hands, hair, and body begin waving and rippling vertically across the screen, distorted by software effects. Capitalizing and commenting on the ubiquity of homemade video, the short film replicates with banal proximity the amateur special effects that thrive on the web. This rather cliched visual trick recalls a funhouse mirror, or, perhaps more aligned with Cortright’s frame of reference, a dream-sequence cue from after-school 90s television.

ÆTHER (Poor Objects)

Li Shuang

Film & Video (Film & Video)

ÆTHER (Poor Objects) by Li Shuang builds on the artist’s consideration of the interplay between physical and digital spaces. Through a kaleidoscopic video collage, Li examines the complexities of personal subjectivity within an increasingly immersive and omnipresent online culture. Among disparate imagery that includes extra-terrestrial simulations, dizzying hordes of birds, animated figures trapped in dystopian virtual spaces, and real-life abandoned places, the video references the Chinese creation myth of Nuwa, a goddess who uses her own body to repair the sky.


Petra Cortright

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In the flash animation SpringValle_ber_girls , Petra Cortright collages together surreal scenes out of unnaturally idyllic desktop screensavers with equally unreal computer-generated women that pop in and out of the landscape. Cortright’s backgrounds are made seedy by the appearance of digitally-rendered strippers, while various layers of internet escapism collide together in an infinite loop. The dancing girls are sourced from VirtuaGirl, a software that makes footage of strippers available for download.

Jonas Bendiksen

Jonas Bendiksen is a Norwegian-American artist and photographer whose work addresses enclaves, people on the fringes of society, and those living in isolated communities...

Karam Natour

Through video and digital drawing Karam Natour manifests his interest in the power of language, and specifically how translation becomes a unique vehicle for a deeper understanding of issues connected to identity, race and gender...

Wong Wai Yin

Wong Wai Yin is an interdisciplinary artist who experiments with a variety of media ranging from painting, sculpture, collage, performance, video, installations and photography...

Yung Jake

Yung Jake is a visual artist and YouTube rapper based in Los Angeles whose work fuses new media, music, and art...

Agnieszka Kurant

Petra Cortright

Anthony Discenza

Since the late 1990s Anthony Discenza’s work has focused primarily on the omnipresence of mainstream media...

David Horvitz

Although the practice plays a central role in the work of David Horvitz, his work is at the opposite of fine art objects...

Emmanuel van der Auwera

Emmanuel van der Auwera is interested in conspiracy theories, surveillance photography and its ubiquity, giving texture to major events that are frequently smoothed out by media reporting...

Juan Obando

As a Colombian who studied and now lives in Arizona, Juan Obando has a non-native perspective on the media-obsessed culture of the US...

Andrew Norman Wilson

Andrew Norman Wilson is an artist, curator, and filmmaker whose practice is mostly based in research and documentary...

Siavash Naghshbandi

Siavash Naghshbandi has long been interested in computer systems and the approaching horizon of Artificial Intelligence...

Chen Zhexiang

CHEN Zhexiang is a digital media artist and director of animation...

Guan Xiao

Guan Xiao is known for her videos composed primarily of found images and videos and her sculptures that explore the logic by which things relate to one another...

Li Shuang

Raised in rural south-eastern China in the 1990s, Li Shuang grew up consuming popular media such as YouTube, MySpace, knock off Nintendo consoles, pirated video games, and dakou CDs...

Miao Ying

Miao Ying’s practice, including video, installation, website, photography and painting, highlights attempts to discuss mainstream technology and contemporary consciousness and its impact on our daily lives, while accounting for new modes of politics, aesthetics and consciousness created through representation of reality through technology...

Yuyan Wang

Yuyan Wang is a filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist whose work examines images at the point of production and the atmosphere cultivated by media regimes within the attention economy...

Jay Chung and Takeki Maeda

Jay Chung and Takeki Maeda’s practice is characterized by performance, which often involves weighty unsettling humour...

Diego Marcon

Diego Marcon uses film, video and installation to investigate the ontology of the moving image, focusing on the relationship between reality and representation...