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theme: figural.s.01

Artist Name



Artist Traits

Decade Work Created


And so it is 3,200.00

Michael Armitage

Painting (Painting)

In “And so it is” shows the image of a faceless man before a microphone, ready to deliver an important message. The viewer is faced with the familiar image of political power seen in our homes on the television, yet this time located in a whimsical abstract landscape. The speaker appears as a shadow in front of a crowd that is responding to him by holding bubbles containing images of animals and plants.

Head-Portrait with Red and Blue Background

James Weeks

Painting (Painting)

Both Head-Portrait with Red and Blue Background and Man with Blue Tie are classic examples of Weeks’ deftness of line, shape, and color. These two works illustrate his signature flattened style -a vast departure from figurative painting of the time- and hints of influence from modernist painters like Henri Matisse and Maynard Dixon, although with a somewhat darker tone. Both figures stare with with expressionless faces and hollow eyes.

Framing Cannibal (Standing)

George Pfau

Sculpture (Sculpture)

This work exemplifies George Pfau’s interest in zombies and liminal embodiment. In different ways, zombies are present here as an icon of coming apart, yet they retain a persistent thereness.

Man with Blue Tie

James Weeks

Painting (Painting)

Both Head-Portrait with Red and Blue Background and Man with Blue Tie are classic examples of Weeks’ deftness of line, shape, and color. These two works illustrate his signature flattened style -a vast departure from figurative painting of the time- and hints of influence from modernist painters like Henri Matisse and Maynard Dixon, although with a somewhat darker tone. Both figures stare with with expressionless faces and hollow eyes.

Crash Position I

Zbigniew Rogalski

Painting (Painting)

Zbigniew Rogalski territory extends from painting to photography. Here , the artist turned his attention towards the photographic qualities in painting and towards the pictorialism found in photography . As the artist mentions on his website,” this work is about flying and the experiences connected with it – the person floats under the ceiling like a balloon, being hunched in a position recommended during an emergency landing”.


Fabrice Hyber

Painting (Painting)

The works of Fabrice Hyber provoke divergent ways of thinking. In a kindred spirit with Raymond Hains, image and writing are intertwined. Drawings and diagrams are visually direct, as shown in the series of “Peintures Homéopathiques” (“Homeopathic Paintings”), collages covered in transparent resin (1986-1988).

Undocumented Intervention

Julio Cesar Morales

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Julio Cesar Morales’s watercolor drawings, Undocumented Intervention , show a variety of surprising hiding places assumed by people trying to cross into the United States without documentation. Morales drew inspiration from both his childhood near the United States-Mexico border as well as from photographic documentation on U. S. government websites.

James Weeks

James Weeks, born in 1922, was an important figure in the Bay Area figurative painter tradition, with contemporaries such as Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff, and David Park...

Julio Cesar Morales

Michael Armitage

Michael Armitage (b...

Zbigniew Rogalski

With the exemplification of visual illusions, such as reflection and obliteration, Rogalski is questioning reality and its mode of représentation...

Fabrice Hyber

In each of his self-portraits, Fabrice Hyber (he removed the last “t” in Hybert in 2004) is elusive...

George Pfau

George Pfau’s work explores marginal and transitional states of being...