Untitled (Man with Bees) is part of Curran Hatleberg’s attempt to make sense of the current state of the “American Dream”, or lack thereof. “Without question our present American experience feels increasingly strange, unnerving and dreamlike. Our country is utterly different and changed now in its present iteration – surreal and confounding – and we can’t help but regard it with a confounded stare that we hold in reserve for the most bizarre and difficult circumstances.” This image is one, like many in the series that find something poetic, supernatural, and surreal in the common human condition of middle America.
Leila Weefur’s two-channel video installation Between Beauty & Horror focuses on the sensorial and somatic experiences that give Blackness a distinct and inherently racialized materiality. The narrative structure of Between Beauty & Horror operates on dream logic; interspersed among the dream sequences of the video are moments that fluidly shift between violence, playfulness, tenderness, and of course, beauty and horror. Weefur’s work poses many questions about the Black experience, but it offers no easy answers.
Sara Eliassen’s video work A Blank Slate (2014) employs cinematic effect to investigate the relationships between subjectivity, gaze, and memory. Set in a sleepy and unidentified coastal town, the film begins as the protagonist unexpectedly finds herself inside a hotel room in a lucid state. Attempting to grasp her surroundings, she falls into a deeper metaphysical reality where her memories blur with her awareness of her surroundings until she finds herself again alone in a dream-like state.
Interested in the collection of object and their potential to evoke various emotional reactions in the audience, Bopape’s “Why do you call me when you know I can’t answer the phone” is an invitation into the limitless netherworld of the unsaid and unspoken. Exploring the metaphysical landscape of secrets, lies and psychosexual ambivalence, this work is an attempt to create a site for contemplation. The video ventures to provoke a rhythmic trance through transporting the mind into a distant illusionary world constructed by vignettes of fractured spaces.
Prabhakar Pachpute was born in 1986 and raised in Chandrapur (Maharashtra), India, a place known as ‘The City of Black Gold’, where his family has worked for three generations in one of the oldest mines in the country. Currently, he lives and works in Mumbai. He has done his Bachelors in Fine Arts from I. K. S. University, Khairagarh (Chhattisgarh) in 2009 and Masters from M. S. University Baroda (Gujrat) in 2011.
In Trinity , Wang Mowen uses video to tell the story of a young woman who wants to know the whereabouts of a person born sixty years ago. She visits three fortune tellers and provides the person’s birth date. Each psychic deliberates and comes to the correct conclusion that the woman in question is the seeker’s mother.
Apparently Djurberg’s mother made a puppet theater and traveled around Göteborg performing during her childhood. This short story of a young man initially listening to birdsong in a city, suddenly confronted to warfare and wounded, could visually resemble child’s doll game or mise en scène, with a high dose of cynicism and violence. The figure, Hans, is attended to by two nurses whose raw discussion appears in speech bubbles: “we’ll have to amputate”.
Takeshi Murata developed an interest in space inspired by his architect parents. OM Rider features the artist’s characteristic absurdist humor and aesthetics–a mélange of highly attuned lighting and composition (in homage to Ken Price), with retro modeling and minimalist, almost antiseptic spaces.
In this four-channel 10 min video installation different episodes play simultaneously on the four screens. The artist has arranged several different scenarios and symbolic props which make it easy for viewers to feel the pervasive ambiguity which cannot be put into words. On the one hand, our imagination is tempted by the delicate details, but on the other hand, our imagination is limited through a very rigorous structure.
In the installation Our Love is like the Flowers, the Rain, the Sea and the Hours, Martin Boyce uses common elements from public gardens – trees, benches, trashbins– in a game which describes at once a social space and an abstract dream space. The trees, unique sources of light in the exhibition space, produce their own environment. These sculptures, as if extracted from a set, are enough to suggest an atmosphere, a landscape, or a movie.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Based on historical prophecies and fantasy, the artist creates apocalyptic scenarios that posit an enigmatic world plagued by social, political, and environmental upheaval. Untitled (Set of Six Drawings) (2012) is an intricate watercolor of a child sitting cross-legged with its head stuck inside a giant mask resembling a duck head covered with eyes. It looks like a scene snatched from science fiction or a surreal dream; it is tempting to see in it some kind of warning sign, or an ominous vision of the future.
Carlos Amorales, based in Mexico City, works in many media and combinations thereof, including video, drawing, painting, photography, installation, animation, and performance. Central in his work is the construction and alteration of what he calls his Liquid Archive, a collection of images, narratives, drawings, shapes, and ideas that he uses to construct his unique visual language—a critical and stimulating space for fantasy, reality, and the blurring of the two. Amorales creates tensions between revealing and hiding the personal and the universal in his often-ambiguous and fluid constructions.
Leila Weefur is an artist, writer, and curator whose practice considers the complexities of phenomenological Blackness through video, installation, printmaking, and lecture-performances...
Underlining the temporality of nostalgia, memory, and narratives crafted through cinematic pop culture, the American artist Takeshi Murata has constructed a body of animated works that explore the lifespan of moving images and their role in the shaping of shared cultural histories...
Dineo Seshee Bopape is known for her playful and experimental video works and installations of found objects...
Curran Hatleberg spends extended amounts of time with his subjects, usually months, building a rapport, building trust, until finally making images with them...
Prabhakar Pachpute calls attention to issues concerning land politics, industry, and labor through a multimedia practice that includes drawing, painting, sculpture, animation, and murals...
In the late 1990s, Nathalie Djurberg started to work with Super 8 film, then video, staging plasticine models or puppets...
Based on photographs and domestic environments, Maaike Schoorel’s paintings are charged with an atmosphere of melancholy and loss...
Pioneer of video art in China, Zhu Jia’s works have often dealt with ‘realness’ and everyday life, though often in unconventional ways...
Trained as a photographer, artist Wang Mowen was born and raised in Dalian and she currently lives and works in Beijing...
Sara Eliassen is a conceptual filmmaker working in video, drawing, installation, and public practice...
In the installation Our Love is like the Flowers, the Rain, the Sea and the Hours, Martin Boyce uses common elements from public gardens – trees, benches, trashbins– in a game which describes at once a social space and an abstract dream space...
Apparently Djurberg’s mother made a puppet theater and traveled around Göteborg performing during her childhood...
Interested in the collection of object and their potential to evoke various emotional reactions in the audience, Bopape’s “Why do you call me when you know I can’t answer the phone” is an invitation into the limitless netherworld of the unsaid and unspoken...
Drawing & Print
Based on historical prophecies and fantasy, the artist creates apocalyptic scenarios that posit an enigmatic world plagued by social, political, and environmental upheaval...
Takeshi Murata developed an interest in space inspired by his architect parents...
Sara Eliassen’s video work A Blank Slate (2014) employs cinematic effect to investigate the relationships between subjectivity, gaze, and memory...
Carlos Amorales, based in Mexico City, works in many media and combinations thereof, including video, drawing, painting, photography, installation, animation, and performance...
Untitled (Man with Bees) is part of Curran Hatleberg’s attempt to make sense of the current state of the “American Dream”, or lack thereof...
Prabhakar Pachpute was born in 1986 and raised in Chandrapur (Maharashtra), India, a place known as ‘The City of Black Gold’, where his family has worked for three generations in one of the oldest mines in the country...
Leila Weefur’s two-channel video installation Between Beauty & Horror focuses on the sensorial and somatic experiences that give Blackness a distinct and inherently racialized materiality...
In Trinity , Wang Mowen uses video to tell the story of a young woman who wants to know the whereabouts of a person born sixty years ago...