First Born by Rachel Rose is part of a series of works titled Borns which expands on the artist’s longstanding interest in the organic shape of eggs. For this sculpture made of rock and glass the artist has created a milky glass-blown shape, almost like fabric in its form, which is draped over a metallic rock in the shape of an egg. For the artist, the egg is an alchemical symbol that is representative of conception and birth.
Freedom Farming presents how, after being given the right of farming, Li Binyuan began to re-dig his land. He attempted to physically open a space for conversation with the generation of his parents. On the second day, villagers that were gathering in the field, including his mother, started to watch a strange event: Li Binyuan’ s 2-hour long jumping and falling in his land until he finally stopped, exhausted.
Li Binyuan explores physicality, chance, play and social values through actions, film works and performances that intervene in the social fabric of everyday Chinese society...
Rachel Rose is a visual artist known for her video installations that merge moving images and sound within nuanced environments connecting them to broader subjects...