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artist: Sahana Ramakrishnan

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Sahana Ramakrishnan

Painting (Painting)

Sahana Ramakrishnan’s work blends cultural influences, spanning a range of visual mythologies, she weaves together a tapestry of pop cultural references that are upended by the artist’s exploration of identity, sexuality and gender perspectives. Narrative journeys are central to myth, and Ramakrishnan’s own journey through culture, mythology and sexuality is echoed in the physical matter she uses to create her work. The artist embarks on Odyssean quests for her materials.

At that time when everything was human

Aline Baiana

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Indigenous educator and curator Sandra Benites, of the Guarani-Ñandeva people, narrates the origin myth of the bird Urutau in her native language. This nightjar stands still on a branch all day long and, at dusk, cries a low hoot resembling a human weeping. In 2013, indigenous activist José Urutau Guajajara remained on the top of a tree for 26 hours, deprived of food and water by state forces.

Exercise in Reproduction of Failure #4

Baktash Sarang Javanbakht

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

The series refers to the militarization in Iran and surrounding countries and criticizes it by naming it reproduction of failure. Baktash Sarang was born 1981 in Tehran, Iran. He studied at Azad University, Tehran and then graduated from ESADS, Strasbourg in 2009.

Incompatibles (Unitas)

Hana Miletic

Textile (Textile)

Incompatibles (Unitas) is made from discarded samples of the yarns that are exported from Croatia and not actually available in the local market. The textile industry in former Yugoslavia has essentially closed down under pressure from Indian and Chinese industries and as a result of the botched privatization of once state-owned factories. There is only one factory remaining in Zagreb producing these yarns.

Retired pilar

Jin Shan

Retired Pillar represents the death and deterioration of legacy of colonial Shanghai. The silicon Corinthian column lays horizontal upon its pedestal, inflating and deflating in the rhythm of difficult breathing, as if exhausted by its lifelong labor. Shan comments on the deterioration of the influence of French colonialism within Shanghai as well as the adoption of Western forms of architectural decoration as symbols of wealth and power.

Aline Baiana

Aline Baiana’s work is informed by extensive theoretical and field research on indigenous, feminist, ethnic, environmental, and social justice matters...

Hana Miletic

Hana Miletic is a Croatian artist living in Brussels with a background in documentary and street photography...

Jin Shan

Jin Shan is an installation artist who uses humor, satire, and play to comment upon social and political power dynamics within contemporary China...

Sahana Ramakrishnan

Sahana Ramakrishnan creates images that are complicated, dissonant, and abject in ways that open the heart and mind...