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Untitled (Blue Chapel)

Robert Therrien

Painting (Painting)

In No Title (Blue Chapel) Therrien has reduced the image of a chapel to a polygon. The object and its ground both glow, but the chapel-shape is crisp and simple, reminiscent of a piece of cut paper. Like many of Therrien’s early pieces, this abstraction slips into representation and the visual and spiritual power of the image is emphasized by the strong central placement of the chapel.

Changi, Singapore, possibly 1970s

Robert Zhao Renhui

Photography (Photography)

Changi, Singapore, possibly 1970s is from the series “As We Walked on Water” (2010-2012), which looks into Singapore’s history around the phenomenon of land reclamation. After exhausting the country’s own soil from its tiny hills and ridges, the government had to buy sand from Malaysia and Indonesia to continue its reclamation efforts. At the early stages of a land reclamation project, the imported sand would sit idle for some time, forming an artificial desert-like landscape.

He counts the stars and call them all by name

Robert Zhao Renhui

Photography (Photography)

Created during Zhao Renhui’s residency at Kadist SF in 2014, the photographic grid features a selection of some 6,000 members from single family of flies –hoverfly– identified over the last 25 years by Sacramento-based Dr. Martin Hauser, Senior Insect Biosystematist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture and longtime acquaintance of the artist. Worldwide specialist of hoverflies, Dr. Hauser collected the insect and meticulously sorted them out. The label below each fly indicates the country where it is from, its species, its size, etc.

Proxy II (Beetles)

Robert Zhao Renhui

Photography (Photography)

The photograph Proxy II (Beetles) by Robert Zhao Renhui belongs to a series, titled Christmas Island, Naturally, that focuses on the ecology of Christmas Island; a remote volcanic land formation in the Indian Ocean. Since the first settlements in the late 19th century, the ecosystems of Christmas Island have undergone devastating alterations. After nearly 150 years of human settlement, a number of invasive species have been unwittingly introduced to the island.

Expedition #46

Robert Zhao Renhui

Photography (Photography)

Expedition #46 is a work from the series “The Glacier Study Group,” which consists of artists, scientists, activists, and enthusiasts of glacial and polar activity in the Artic Circle to conduct scientific investigation, data collection, and glacier sampling. Recent media attention on global warming and climate change has driven interest in increased glacial activity. The group spends long period of each year in the harsh Arctic environment to acquire in-depth knowledge of these changes while experiencing the landscape firsthand.

Villa dei Fiori, September to November

Robert Zhao Renhui

Installation (Installation)

Created during Zhao Renhui’s residency at Kadist SF in 2014, Zhao Renhui began observing and cataloguing insects inspired by the scientific impulse towards exhaustive taxonomy of Sacramento-based Dr. Martin Hauser, Senior Insect Biosystematist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and longtime acquaintance of the artist. In Villa Dei Fiori, September to November, Zhao Renhui tracked and collected multiple insects within the everyday urban environment, either finding the insects dead or following them around for few days.

Ante la imagen

Oscar Munoz

Photography (Photography)

In Ante la imagen (Before the Image, 2009) Muñoz continues to explore the power of a photograph to live up to the memory of a specific person. Since a photograph is fixed, it cannot encapsulate the spirit of someone who is gone. Muñoz etched onto the surface of a mirror an appropriated historical image, a daguerreotype from 1839.

The Making of Monster

Douglas Gordon

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In Monster (1996-97), the artist’s face becomes grotesque through the application of strips of transparent adhesive tape, typical of Gordon’s performance-based films that often depict his own body in action. Also characteristic of his work, the scene takes place in front of a mirror, suggesting the kind of personal self-reflection that one is capable of – both good and evil. The video makes clear cinematographic reference to the ‘alter-ego’ transformation in Mamoulian’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and to the “You looking at me?” sequence performed in front of a mirror by Robert De Niro in Scorsese’s Taxi Driver which also inspired Gordon’s through a looking glass ( 1999).


Köken Ergun

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The Battle of Karbala was a military engagement that took place on 10 Muharram, 61 AH (October 10 th , 680) in Karbala, situated in present day Iraq, when Hussein, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad, was killed. This battle is central to Shia Muslim belief in which Hussein’s martyrdom is commemorated each year, in a celebration called Ashura which symbolises the birth of Muslim division still at issue today between the Shia and Sunni. During Ashura , the artist worked in close collaboration with the people of Zeynebiye (referring to Hussein’s courageous sister, Zeyneb), documenting their preparations for the ceremonies, which involve a mass theatre performance and the isolated, weeping ritual at the end of the Ashura day.

Adição por subtração - 4

Marcelo Cidade

Installation (Installation)

Adição por subtração 4 (Addition by Subtraction, 2010) is an intervention into the white cube with both beautiful and intimidating results. The installation is a large rectangular frame created out of shards of clear and colored glass that protrude from the wall. The use of glass fragments is reminiscent of Robert Smithson’s sculpture Map of Glass (Atlantis) (1969), yet the concerns here are very different.

Until It Makes Sense

Mario Garcia Torres

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Mario Garcia Torres imagines cinematic devices to replay stories occasionally forgotten by Conceptual art. For him, this is a way of rethinking the tradition in a more personal way, to have a grip on events of recent history and examine them with a curiosity, both critical and sensual. The artist emphasizes the fact that new ideas and meanings may arise from these archaeological narratives.


General Idea

Sculpture (Sculpture)

AIDS Ring by General Idea is a cast metal ring, which takes as its basis Robert Indiana’s iconic “LOVE” design, appropriating its pop aesthetic, and totalizing, simplistic universal messaging to instead emphasize the severity of the AIDS epidemic that occurred in the 1970s. This visual detournement of Indiana’s sculpture into the form of a ring is an indictment of pop art’s apolitical nature, as well as of its increasingly commodified status. General Idea instead proposes that art’s expansive platform for messaging be used to spread awareness and create accountability for political negligence of the AIDS epidemic.

Untitled (Construction)

Larry Bell

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Untitled (Construction) recalls the series of glass cubes that gained Bell international recognition in the 1960s. Resembling a black-mirrored box, this recent iridescent piece produces an uncanny effect in which the interior planes seem to enclose a mysterious light. Although austere in form, Bell’s works are far from simple: he uses technology like a vacuum-coating process, to accurately control the different levels of opacity and transparency on the surface of his immaculate glass works.


Larry Bell

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Like many of Larry Bell’s works, VFGY9 deals primarily with the viewer’s experience of sight. The blocks resemble a stone carving, or slabs of wood shaped into a simple organic composition whose overall sheen is varied through a thin layer of aluminum vapor. Yet, the real material of Bell’s piece is actually light, formed within the viewer’s eye into masses as present as stone.

Untitled (San Francisco)

Edward Kienholz

Installation (Installation)

Untitled (San Francisco) was made in Idaho in 1984 and was facetiously dedicated to Henry Hopkins, the then director of the San Francisco Museum of Art who added “modern” to its name. Assembled from the remnants and found objects from a hotel room, including a collage, shelf and small lamp, this playful piece—a satirical shrine of sorts—echoes the decidedly un-modern spirit of San Francisco’s bohemian culture. Kienholz’s works, with their critical and anti-establishment content, are often linked to the 1960s Funk Art movement in the Bay Area.

Work On Felt (Variation 2) and (Variation 11) Black

Naama Tsabar

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Naama Tsabar’s sculptural works are developed serially. The series Work on Felt references the history of post-minimal sculpture: from Robert Morris to Joseph Beuys’s social sculptures. However one can equally relate her work to 1970s conceptual performers such as Terry Fox or Paul Kos.

Two videos, three photographs, several related masterpieces, and American Art

Yan Xing

Photography (Photography)

The title of this series – Two videos, three photographs, several related masterpieces and American art – is paradoxical, suggesting the work is conceived in relation to its medium and a situation in art history and the region of the world in which it was made. Paradoxical but in the end, often true of the way in which art history is written. The presence of black men and the term “American Art” brings us back to Robert Mapplethorpe’s Black Book .

Soft Materials

Daria Martin

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Soft Materials is a curious, touching but also disturbing sequence of confrontations between two people: a man and a woman, and machines. Shot in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Zurich, the humans and the machines mirror each other’s actions. It is unclear which party takes the lead.

Postcards from the Desert Island

Adelita Husni-Bey

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Postcards from the Desert Island is a remake of a 50s educational film Holiday from the rules in which four children interact with an omniscient narrator who teleports them to a tropical island where there are no rules. As in Lord of the Flies , the little children’s anarchistic society quickly breaks down. Finally, when the narrator asks the children if they want to leave the island they answer unhesitatingly: “instead of making up a lot of rules, why don’t we go home where we already have them?”.

Drawing for SOTSB II

Anne Imhof

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

“School of the seven Bells (SOTSB)” is based on a series of hands games in which an object is passed from hand to hand. The performance is a reference to the film by Robert Bresson, “Pickpocket”, where a group of pickpocketers play with their victims. The artwork, through the actions of the hands, is an interrogation into space and time, questioning the relationship between public and private space, the establishment of communication through the body and visual exchange and gestures between aggression and sensuality.

Cumulonimbus capillatus incus

Evariste Richer

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Cumulocumulonimbus capillatus incus functions on the mode of a mise en abîme: it is a cube composed with 8000 dice. The work plays with chance, each installation produces a renewed visual combination. Robert Filliou said that Eins.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas: Battle of Easel Point - Memorial Project Okinawa

Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Filmed underwater, this is the third video in Nguyen-Hatsushiba’s “Memorial Project” series which began in 2001. The title already implies the cultural complexities about to be ironically unravelled: Ho Chi Minh is parodied and Okinawa (where this was filmed) was a battle site in Japan during World War II which then became an American training base during the Vietnam War. To a remix of James Bond movie tracks composed by Quoc Bao, no less than thirty divers in wet suits and full gear advance against the water resistance armed with cartridges of color.

The Dreamcatcher

Kudzanai-Violet Hwami

Painting (Painting)

This painting is the direct result of the artist’s research into her roots. Kudzanai-Violet Hwami sought to find a way to immerse herself in present-day Zimbabwe, spending a month at an artist-run space Dzimbanhete on the outskirts of Harare and living with a traditional healer. According to the artist, the experience left her feeling othered by the inability to fully integrate herself into the place she called home.


Daniel Gustav Cramer

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

David Gustav Cramer’s are composed of simple, descriptive texts accompanied by found photographs, letters or other materials. The elements juxtaposed in each work operate like the lines of a Haiku. It is the tension between them that opens space for thought.

Sometimes It Was Beautiful

Christian Nyampeta

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The film Sometimes It Was Beautiful by Christian Nyampeta poetically addresses the systemic conditions leading and emerging from the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which had lasting and profound effects on Rwanda and neighbouring countries like Congo. The divergent opinions of the characters, as well as suggestive gestures, settings, and marks inscribed in the landscape highlight the different approaches in addressing the slow violence linked to the enduring impact of colonialism and imperialism, the pursuit of knowledge, and the conservation of heritage, culture, and object repatriation. Structured into six chapters, the film imagines a meeting between improbable friends and interlaces dialogues, with choreography of dancers, places and objects.

Untitled: Furniture Island No. 3

Matthew Darbyshire

Installation (Installation)

Matthew Darbyshire has made several Furniture Islands, all of which employ different objects and different color values. Furniture Island No 3 looks like a shop display tastefully arranged in complementary colours. Darbyshire’s use of colour is like that of a designer or a painter.

Le bout de la langue

Dominique Petitgand

Installation (Installation)

A woman pronounces parts of sentences. Via rigorous editing, the artist creates anticipation with the silences, rhythm by the repetitions, temporal ellipses with music. The recording is diffused by a loud speaker placed on a plinth which gives the whole an anthropomorphic status which reminds one of Box with the sound of its own making by Robert Morris.


Kitty Kraus

Installation (Installation)

This work emphasises Kitty Kraus’s involvement with process, with alchemical transformations associated with Post-Minimalist aesthetics, Arte Povera, Joseph Beuys and Robert Smithson. The loss of form or its dissolution is at the heart of the series of lamps encapsulated in blocs of ice with liquid progressively spreading on the floor. The bulb is embedded in the ice.


Ulla von Brandenburg

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Eight opens with a close up of a painting by Hubert Robert of the Chateau de Chamarande where the film was shot. This work acts as a key to the unfolding film. In Eight , the camera tracks back and forth, proceeding from room to room, closing in on each motif, lingering and then passing on without ‘comment’, as a surrogate for the spectator’s gaze.

Robert Zhao Renhui

Robert Zhao Renhui’s multimedia practice questions fact-based presentations of ecological conservation and reveals the manner in which documentary, journalistic, and scientific reports sensationalize nature in order to elicit viewer sympathy...

Richard Gordon

Originally from Chicago, Richard Gordon was a self-taught photographer best known for his intelligent and masterfully printed black-and-white photographs...

Larry Bell

David Haxton

Although trained as a painter, David Haxton is known for his exploration of light through the mediums of photography and film...


Jess Collins (most commonly known as Jess), is a celebrated San Francisco artist known for his highly symbolic paintings and layered collages that combine imagery from mythology, alchemy, popular culture and the male body...

Adelita Husni-Bey

Born in Milan, Italian-Libyan Adelita Husni-Bey is an artist and researcher...

Matthew Darbyshire

Matthew Darbyshire is interested in the non-specificity of today’s design language...

Kitty Kraus

Kitty Krauss has a very particular outlook on Minimal and Constructivist Art...

Daria Martin

A number of Daria Martin’s films explore the relationship between humans and machines and make reference to modernist art, whether through the work of the Bauhuas (Schlemmer), Surrealism (Giacometti’s Palace at 4 AM) or American art of the 1960s and 1970s...

Robert Smithson

Kudzanai-Violet Hwami

UK-based artist, Kudzanai-Violet Hwami was born in Gutu, Zimbabwe in 1993 and lived in South Africa from the ages of 9 to 17...

Christian Nyampeta

Christian Nyampeta’s works investigate how individuals and communities negotiate forms of socially-organized violence...

Goshka Macuga

She works with archival materials she finds in libraries and museums...

Oscar Munoz

Edward Kienholz

Ulla von Brandenburg

Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba

Michael Craig-Martin

Michael Craig-Martin studied fine art at Yale University returning to Europe in the mid-1960s and becoming one of the key figures in the first generation of British conceptual artists...

General Idea

The Canadian artist collective General Idea (Felix Partz, Jorge Zontal and AA Bronson), active from 1967-1993, was an instrumental source of early conceptual art through their multidisciplinary practice...

Dominique Petitgand

Dominique Petitgand makes sound pieces...

Fernanda Gomes

Yan Xing

Douglas Gordon

Robert Therrien

Carole Douillard & Babette Mangolte

Carole Douillard Kabyle-French artist Carole Douillard uses the presence of figures, be it her own, or of performers, to produce sculptural works within space...

Evariste Richer

Evariste Richer constantly invents new standards for measurement which are mostly objects to prompt the spectator’s potential investigations: avalanche probes, a meter drawn from memory, a meter with no measurements… Meteorology, science, magic, mineralogy, photography, optics are his preferred terrains...

Mario Garcia Torres

Marcelo Cidade


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about 30 months ago (12/21/2021)

Obituaries | The Independent Obituaries Obituaries Steve Bronski: Co-founder of Bronski Beat Obituaries Lina Wertmuller: Provocative Italian filmmaker Obituaries Anne Rice: Gothic novelist who helped launched a vampire revolution Obituaries Virgil Abloh: Trailblazer who merged streetwear with high fashion Obituaries Bob Dole: War hero who became a formidable figure in US politics Obituaries Antony Sher: Theatre giant who brought Shakespeare’s work to life Obituaries Frank Williams: Legendary Formula One racing boss Obituaries Jakucho Setouchi: Outspoken Buddhist nun who penned hundreds of books Obituaries Mick Rock: Photographer who created indelible images of music greats Obituaries Justus Rosenberg: Professor who helped many flee Nazi occupation Obituaries Ron Flowers: Wolves legend who narrowly missed out on 1966 glory Obituaries Wilbur Smith: Prolific thriller writer who sold 140 million books Obituaries Astro: Dynamic member of UB40 who helped shape their sound Obituaries Maureen Cleave: Journalist who lit powder keg under The Beatles’ feet Obituaries Etel Adnan: Celebrated author who found late-in-life fame as an artist Obituaries Nelson Freire: Pianist known for his expert handling of classics Obituaries Lionel Blair: Star of Britain’s golden age of television Obituaries Max Cleland: Vietnam veteran who became a US senator Obituaries Dean Stockwell: Child actor who forged decades-long career Obituaries Sunao Tsuboi: Hiroshima survivor who called for peace Obituaries Ronnie Wilson: Musician who brought groove to many funk hits Obituaries FW de Klerk: The man who ended apartheid Obituaries Viktor Bryukhanov: Engineer blamed for Chernobyl disaster Obituaries Pat Martino: One of jazz music’s finest guitarists Obituaries Aaron Beck: Psychiatrist who developed cognitive therapy Obituaries Sabah Fakhri: Tenor who helped preserve classical Arabic music Obituaries James Michael Tyler: Actor who played Gunther on Friends Obituaries Walter Smith: Decorated football 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in decades of British TV US politics Controversial legacy of America’s first Black Secretary of State Obituaries Gary Paulsen: Novelist who inspired children to love the wilderness Obituaries Paddy Moloney: Chieftains founder who helped revive Irish music Obituaries Sir David Amess: MP of conviction and animal rights champion Obituaries Megan Rice: Nun who crusaded against nuclear weapons Obituaries James Brokenshire: Conservative MP who left his mark on politics Obituaries Bobby Zarem: Showbiz publicist who turned people into stars Obituaries John Chilcot: Civil servant who led damning inquiry into Iraq war Obituaries Bernard Tapie: Businessman and sports tycoon dogged by scandal Obituaries Charles W Mills: Philosopher who used work to challenge racism Obituaries Tommy Kirk: Clean-cut child star of Old Yeller Obituaries Greg Miskiw: Journalist known as the ‘Prince of Darkness’ Obituaries Sarah Dash: Lady Marmalade singer and Labelle co-founder Obituaries Antony Hewish: British astronomer and Nobel prize winner Obituaries Pee Wee Ellis: Saxophonist who put the funk in James Brown’s music Obituaries Frances ‘Sissy’ Farenthold: The ardently liberal Texas politician Obituaries Melvin Van Peebles: Godfather of black cinema Obituaries Norm Macdonald: Comedian whose dark jokes made him a TV favourite Obituaries Roger Michell: Prolific director behind ‘Notting Hill’ Obituaries Alan Lancaster: Status Quo bassist who helped change rock’n’roll Obituaries Roger Hunt: Uplifting English footballer and 1966 World Cup winner Obituaries Jeannie Rousseau, spy for the French Resistance Obituaries Jane Powell: Star of musicals during Hollywood’s Golden Age Obituaries Clive Sinclair: Visionary who helped create the first home computers Obituaries John Challis: Actor who played ‘Boycie’ in Only Fools and Horses Obituaries John Shelby Spong: US bishop who championed inclusivity in the church Obituaries Charlotte Johnson Wahl: Painter and Parkinson’s campaigner Obituaries Michael K Williams: Former dancer who played Omar Little in ‘The Wire’ Obituaries Patricia Maginnis: Pioneering abortion rights activist Obituaries Jimmy Greaves obituary: Legendary goalscorer and broadcaster Obituaries Michael Constantine: Actor who starred in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ Obituaries Jacques Rogge: Surgeon and Olympic sailor who became IOC president Obituaries Stephen Vizinczey: Provocative author of amorous bestseller Obituaries Elizabeth Blackadder: Scottish painter known for her botanical art Obituaries Robert Wolke: Chemist who revealed the secrets of the kitchen Obituaries Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel Obituaries Jean-Paul Belmondo: Legend of French New Wave cinema Obituaries Gino Strada: Italian war surgeon who believed in healthcare for all Obituaries Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry: Reggae legend who revolutionised the genre Obituaries Ted Dexter: Cricketer whose talent shaped the modern game Obituaries Ed Asner: Award-winning actor who starred in ‘Lou Grant’ and ‘Up’ Obituaries Sonny Chiba: Martial arts master and icon of Japanese cinema Obituaries Don Everly: One half of legendary rock’n’roll duo Obituaries Gerd Muller: Goal machine who fired West Germany to World Cup glory Obituaries Chuck Close: Controversial painter of pixelated portraits Obituaries Eloise Greenfield: Author who wrote books to inspire black children Obituaries Sean Lock: Comic whose deadpan surrealism made him a TV favourite Obituaries Maki Kaji: Godfather of Sudoku and puzzle enthusiast Obituaries Charlie Watts: Legendary drummer of the Rolling Stones Obituaries Nanci Griffith: Grammy-award winning folk singer Vouchers Marella Cruise Deals Marella Cruise Deals Get £150 off your holiday using this TUI voucher code ASOS Discount Code ASOS Discount Code 15% off first order over £20 using this ASOS Discount code Travelodge Discount Code Travelodge Discount Code 5% off rooms with this Travelodge discount code The Body Shop Discount Code The Body Shop Discount Code 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about 30 months ago (12/21/2021)

Features | The Independent Features Features Darren Criss: ‘Nobody wants to know about the good things on Glee’ Long Reads William Cook Kraftwerk: Why did electronic music begin in Dusseldorf? Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: For Once in My Life by Jean DuShon Features Pom Pom Squad’s Mia Berrin: ‘I’ve love the cheerleader character’ Features Britney’s freedom was the most important pop culture story of 2021 Features Why the weird festive album is going to save Christmas Features The story of Bronski Beat’s Smalltown Boy Features The urgent need to make live music spaces safer for women Features Giddy stratospheres: How The Long Blondes saved landfill indie Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: ‘Dreams’ by Gabrielle Features The 9 best John Lennon deep cuts Features The current flavour of Beatles-bashing is as lazy as it gets Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: Dirty Old Town by Ewan MacColl Features 11 of the most notorious feuds in music Features Bouffants and forgotten hits: The unsung women of the British Invasion Features The 30 greatest album covers of all time Features Peter Jackson on Get Back: ‘I get the feeling history has arrived’ Features Spotify Wrapped 2021 has gone even further upriver than last year Features How the Sex Pistols’ snarling manifesto changed the face of punk Features The 40 best albums to listen to before you die Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: Gloria (In Excelsis Deo) by Patti Smith Features Cancer, creative control and that 1D feud: how The Wanted bounced back Features Lone superstar state: How Texas became America’s last musical mecca Features Robert Plant and Alison Krauss: ‘We’re leagues apart in many elements’ Features Queen Cardi B: The people’s pop culture icon Features ‘This is the story of how not to do it’: How The Wrens fell apart Features The 23 most embarrassing lyrics of all time, from Eminem to U2 Features How Olivia Rodrigo’s acerbic pop speaks for an anxious generation Features The 2022 Grammy nominations are the worst in the award show’s history Features ‘Why the Brit Awards ditching gender categories makes perfect sense’ Features Raising the curtain on Freddie Mercury’s devastating final act Features Travis on the album that almost finished them Long Reads Mark Battle Elegantly Wasted: Behind the scenes with Michael Hutchence Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: The Electrician by The Walker Brothers Features Janet Jackson has been owed an apology for 17 years Features How popstars gave themselves a free pass by being ‘in on the joke’ Features How the Beastie Boys were almost lost in the shadow of a 25ft d*** Features The winners take it all: How Scandipop took over the world Features The 15 worst albums by classic bands, from Led Zeppelin to Queen Features The music groups giving a lifeline to people with dementia Features How Taylor Swift redefined online fandom Features The Brass Against incident was everything wrong about ‘rock’n’roll’ Features How Britney Spears helped expose the war over women’s bodies in the US Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: See it in a Boy’s Eyes by Jamelia Features David Coverdale: ‘I wrote Here I Go Again rat-arsed on port and 7 Up’ Features The art of Radiohead’s ‘Kid A’ and ‘Amnesiac’ Features The 40 greatest song lyrics of all time Features We need more than sympathetic performers to avoid crowd tragedies Features Jon Hopkins: ‘I would have a ketamine session and return with notes’ Features Gregory Porter: ‘I know the sting of racism; I know how it feels’ Features Bullet For My Valentine: ‘Everyone’s been led down the garden path’ Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega Features The 40 greatest film soundtracks of all time Features The 40 greatest film soundtracks of all time Features Inside the new wave of Kashmir protest music Features Pixies’ Black Francis: ‘Men are f***ing everything up’ Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: Jump They Say by David Bowie Features Divide and conquer: how Ed Sheeran took over the world Features The War on Drugs: ‘Springsteen gets a kick out of my son’s name Bruce’ Features Was the early Eighties the most colourful pop zeitgeist ever? Features Sean Paul: ‘Weed from legal dispensaries tastes like cardboard’ Features The 30 greatest album covers of all time Independent Premium Robert Webb Story of the Song: Son of a Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield Features The inside story of Wildflowers, Tom Petty’s greatest album Features Tom Morello: ‘I never struggled with my identity....


about 64 months ago (03/06/2019)

This essay appeared in Even no...


about 86 months ago (05/17/2017)

Magnum Photos | ARTPIL ARTICLES PROFILES ANNOUNCEMENTS WORKS COLLECTIONS EXHIBITIONS 30/30 WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS ABOUT CONTRIBUTORS SUBMISSIONS ARTICLES art photography film + video culture + lifestyle exhibits + events features prescriptions PROFILES artists photographers filmmakers designers/architects fashion organizations/mags museums/galleries ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCES WORKS COLLECTIONS EXHIBITIONS 30/30 WOMEN WORKS COLLECTIONS ABOUT CONTRIBUTORS SUBMISSIONS + [–] Search for: Search Button • Magnum Photos Photo Agency Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually...


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