Untitled Inkblot Drawing (CT-1491)

1995 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Bruce Conner

location: San Francisco, California
year born: 1933
gender: male
nationality: American
home town: McPherson, Kansas

Bruce Conner is best known for his experimental films, but throughout his career he also worked with pen, ink, and paper to create drawings ranging from psychedelic patterns to repetitious inkblot compositions. Untitled Inkblot Drawing (CT-1491) (1995) is representative of his aspect of his practice. It is a formal exploration related to many different things: the Rorschach inkblot testing used by psychologists, Japanese calligraphy, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and the intricate patterning Conner saw everywhere in the world around him.

Bruce Conner was undoubtedly one of the key figures of America’s avant-garde art scene since his work emerged in the late 1950s. Affiliated with the beat community, he was overtly opposed to the academic establishment and worked freely in a variety of media, including drawing, sculpture, painting, collage, photography, and assemblage. However, Conner is most recognized for his films in which he created a unique visual montage through the skillful and pioneering editing of found footage.


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This is not in Spanish

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Untitled (Shuffle)

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27 Punk Photos: 11. Dim Wanker: F Word, May, 1978

Bruce Conner


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Untitled (Shuffle)

Wallace Berman


While Untitled (Shuffle) presents the same formal characteristics as the rest of Berman’s verifax collages, this constellation of specific images inside the radio’s frames—the Star of David, Hebrew characters, biblical animals—have Jewish symbolism and attest to the artist’s lasting obsession with the kabala...

Towhead n’Ganga enclosed in darkness, lorded over by the sexualized folded high priestless form

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Towhead n’Ganga enclosed in darkness, lorded over by the sexualized folded high priestless form

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27 Punk Photos: 11. Dim Wanker: F Word, May, 1978

Bruce Conner


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