Seven family members and a cat all squeezed into the small five-room house, where Motoyuki Daifu grew up in Yokohama. This young photographer’s Family Project series documents the chaos of his family’s home life. Viewers of Daifu’s color photographs peer into the cramped, cluttered, and intimate world of their living quarters, what would normally be hidden from outsiders. The setting of dirty dinner plates and empty take-out food containers becomes an elegant still life series inhabited by what appear to be dozing inebriants. The artist turns what might initially appear as an offensive lifestyle into a light-hearted and stunning look at domestic life in contemporary Japan. The artist has described the private world by saying, “My mother sleeps every day. My dad does chores. My brothers fight. There are trash bags all over the place. Half-eaten dinners, cat poop, mountains of clothes: this is my lovable daily life, and a loveable Japan.”
Motoyuki Daifu is a representative of the youngest generation of Japanese photographers, who like the more senior Nobuyoshi Araki, use the snapshot as a way to represent his life. Daifu’s photographs appear to be full of humor, as he uses the clutter to his advantage, packing as much color as he can into each frame. The artist started to take photography seriously when he was nineteen. At that time, he enrolled in art school to study the subject, and gravitated toward photographing those things that were around his daily experience. Recently he has become interested in and influenced by contemporary art rather than straightforward photography. He would prefer to avoid simply being identified as a photographer, and intends to work across a range of media, with photography as his base.
Blindseye Arranger (Max) (2013) features a greyscale arrangement of rudimentary shapes layered atop one another like a dense cluster of wood block prints, the juxtaposition of sharp lines and acute angles creating an abstracted field of rectangular and triangulated forms composed as if in a cubist landscape...
Designed by the artist and fabricated in collaboration with Kashmiri artisans in India, Baseera Khan’s Psychedelic Prayer Rugs combine visual iconography traditional to Islam, such as the crescent moon and lunar calendar, with brightly coloured symbols of personal significance to the artist: a pair of embroidered sneakers, a fragment of an Urdu poem, and the Purple Heart medal...
40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon Exhibition Mixed media Vue de l’exposition 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon au Frac île-de-france, les Réserves, Romainville © Frac Île-de-France 40 ans du Frac ! Gunaikeîon Ends in 2 months: October 15, 2023 → February 24, 2024 Pour les 40 ans des Frac, il s’agit à la fois de repenser l’histoire de l’institution, écrite notamment par le biais de sa collection, et de tendre vers des futurs communs et désirables...
Nidhal Chamekh made the first drawings of the ongoing series Mémoire Promise in 2013...
Gastaldon has made a number of soft sculptures using materials associated with knitting and sewing that have alternately fetishistic, nightmarish or contemplative qualities...
Defunct Mnemonics (2012) plays off woodworking traditions found in indigenous art in order to create a body of formally minimal objects that are both beautiful in their restraint and profoundly moving in their associations with the totemic...
40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon Exposition Techniques mixtes Vue de l’exposition 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon au Frac île-de-france, les Réserves, Romainville © Frac Île-de-France 40 ans du Frac ! Gunaikeîon Encore 2 mois : 15 octobre 2023 → 24 février 2024 Pour les 40 ans des Frac, il s’agit à la fois de repenser l’histoire de l’institution, écrite notamment par le biais de sa collection, et de tendre vers des futurs communs et désirables...
49/23 — Considering Technology, AI and Photography - Photographs by Gregory Eddi Jones | Interview by Liz Sales | LensCulture Feature 49/23 — Considering Technology, AI and Photography In his new thought-provoking series “49/23,” Gregory Eddi Jones considers the implications of rapidly advancing technology by intertwining vintage photography and AI-generated images...
Fabienne Verdier — Horizons et Chênes-lièges — Lelong & Co Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Fabienne Verdier — Horizons et Chênes-lièges — Lelong & Co Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Fabienne Verdier — Horizons et Chênes-lièges Exhibition Painting Fabienne Verdier, Chêne-liège #4, 2023 Pastel gras et pastel sec sur vélin d’Arches teinté — 49 × 28 cm Courtesy de l’artiste et galerie Lelong & Co...