Untitled (Breathless) presents a folded newspaper article on Jean-Luc Godard’s À Bout de Souffle (Breathless). The work uses collage techniques—it is stapled down and has a thick strip of contact sheet paper taped over it—that convert the media coverage on Godard’s film into a filmic object itself. The black paper enacts a kind of cinematic “jump cut” on the article, while simultaneously drawing attention to the medium of the film, as well as the photograph reproduced in this newspaper article. The composition has a casual and dynamic stylishness to it (as do the movie stars lying in bed), which is contradicted somewhat by the static utilitarian aesthetic of the piece’s construction. The tape and staples hold the more dominant visual elements in place and recall printmaking tools.
British-born and Vancouver-based, Ian Wallace is known for his conceptual art practice and critical writings. Since the mid-1980s, the artist has explored the relationship between documentary photography—often featuring sites of urban development—and abstract monochrome painting, to investigate the characteristics of media-specificity and the limitations of representation.
Michigan Central Station is part of a larger photographic series, Detroit Photos , which includes images of houses, theaters, stadiums, offices, and other municipal structures...
AIDS Ring by General Idea is a cast metal ring, which takes as its basis Robert Indiana’s iconic “LOVE” design, appropriating its pop aesthetic, and totalizing, simplistic universal messaging to instead emphasize the severity of the AIDS epidemic that occurred in the 1970s...
Ponderosa Pine IV belongs to a series of large-scale photographs of trees taken by Graham and depicts a particular species that live in Northern California...
Michigan Central Station is part of a larger photographic series, Detroit Photos , which includes images of houses, theaters, stadiums, offices, and other municipal structures...
Glenn Ligon’s diptych, Condition Repor t is comprised of two side-by-side prints...
The voids in Baldessari’s painted photographs are simultaneously positive and negative spaces, both additive and subtractive...
Michigan Central Station is part of a larger photographic series, Detroit Photos , which includes images of houses, theaters, stadiums, offices, and other municipal structures...
In this work, a woman sits on a couch with her shirt pulled up to expose her pierced nipples, which are connected by a chain...
Each day, Yuji Agematsu smokes a pack of cigarettes and wanders the streets of New York City looking for trash...
Drowned Wood Standing Coiled (2011) consists of two sculptures, inextricably linked...
“There is a tapestry of sounds around us.” – Tania Candiani Tania Candiani has long been interested in Acoustic Ecology: the study of relationships between humans and our environment mediated through sound...
Wallace says of his Heroes in the Street series, “The street is the site, metaphorically as well as in actuality, of all the forces of society and economics imploded upon the individual, who, moving within the dense forest of symbols of the modern city, can achieve the status of the heroic.” The hero in Study for my Heroes in the Street (Stan) is the photoconceptual artist Stan Douglas, who is depicted here (and also included in the Kadist Collection) as an archetypal figure restlessly drifting the streets of the modern world...
Tree on the Former Site of Camera Obscura (1996) belongs to a series of large-scale photographs of trees taken by Graham and depicts a particular species that lives in Northern California...
Ponderosa Pine IV belongs to a series of large-scale photographs of trees taken by Graham and depicts a particular species that live in Northern California...
Percent for Art is seemingly concerned with “art enrichment” by state or city arts agencies role in it, managing the artist rosters, maintaining public art collections, commissioning artworks, selecting installation sites, among other things for aesthetic and cultural enhancement in both public and private real estate developments...
AI Art Generators Lawsuit: Court Declines to Dismiss Artists’ Claims – The Hollywood Reporter Skip to main content By Winston Cho Plus Icon Winston Cho View All February 9, 2024 12:01pm Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Flipboard Share this article on Email Show additional share options Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on Pinit Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Tumblr Share this article on Whatsapp Share this article on Print Share this article on Comment Getty Images Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Flipboard Share this article on Email Show additional share options Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on Pinit Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Tumblr Share this article on Whatsapp Share this article on Print Share this article on Comment Logo text Artists have secured a small but meaningful win in their lawsuit against generative artificial intelligence art generators in what’s considered the leading case over the uncompensated and unauthorized use of billions of images downloaded from the internet to train AI systems...
Plastic Kingdom: art exhibition questions Cambodia’s rampant waste problem (via SEA Globe) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles November 28, 2018 An new art exhibition in Phnom Penh featuring works by Cambodian and foreign artists will raise questions about plastic use and recycling, through woodcarvings, illustrations and even a motorbike...