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South Africa Righteous Space by Hank Willis Thomas is concerned with history and identity, with the way race and ‘blackness’ has not only been informed but deliberately shaped and constructed by various forces – first through colonialism and slavery, and more recently through mass media and advertising – and reminds us of the financial and economic stakes that have always been involved in representations of race.
Employing the visual language and terminology of mass media, and appropriating symbols and images from popular culture, Hank Willis Thomas’ work seeks to question and subvert established definitions and positions with regards to personal identity and the narrative of race. Working across installation, photography, video, and media work, Thomas maintains his photo conceptualist roots, primarily taking source material from found photographs and archives. These images form the basis from which the artist seeks to uncover the fallacies that history claims as truth. His work illustrates how the way history is represented and consumed reinforces generalizations surrounding identity, gender, race and ethnicity, and that as an artist he has an opportunity to expose or to revise those histories from the points of view of the oppressed.
Interested in role-play and videogames, Ana María Millán developed workshops with different communities in order to create characters and scenarios for her animations, often in collaboration with a choreographer...
The series Belle Époque of the Tropics by Noara Quintana has as its background the history of the rubber industrialization in North of Brazil...
Weekly Southeast Asia Radar: Singaporean rapper BGourd; the studio of Pinoy comic book legends | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar Buro Singapore January 31, 2020 ArtsEquator’s Southeast Asia Radar features articles and posts about arts and culture in Southeast Asia, drawn from local and regional websites and publications – aggregated content from outside sources, so we are exposed to a multitude of voices in the region...
Extrastellar Evaluations is a multimedia installation produced during Yin-Ju Chen’s residency at Kadist San Francisco in the spring of 2016...
Disturbing behaviour: "Deproduction" by Terre Thaemlitz | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Courtesy of Comatonse Recordings September 22, 2019 By Patricia Tobin (670 words, 4-minute read) Content warning: References to sexual content or situations Deproduction by musician-producer Terre Thaemlitz was released on December 28, 2017 as a multimedia album consisting of audio, video and text...
“Peter and the Starcatcher”: An Invitation to Suspend Disbelief Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles October 22, 2018 By Casidhe Ng (1,100 words, six-minute read) The final show of Pangdemonium’s 2018 season, Peter and the Starcatcher is this year’s equivalent of Fun Home or RENT , an exuberant and expensive production intent on ending their year with a bang...
The video Swimming in rivers of Glue is composed of various images of nature, exploring the themes of exploration of space and its colonization...
London’s Middle Eastern art sales have defied tensions Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Israel-Hamas war news London’s Middle Eastern art sales have defied tensions Auction purchases by Arab cultural entities overcome early uncertainties of Israel-Hamas war Melissa Gronlund 7 December 2023 Share Samia Halaby’s Seventh Cross No...
Welling employs simple materials like crumpled aluminum foil, wrinkled fabric and pastry dough and directly exposes them as photograms, playing with the image in the process of revealing it...
Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 — Mémorial de Caen — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 — Mémorial de Caen — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 Exposition Peinture, sculpture, techniques mixtes Bernard Rancillac, Mélodie sous les palmes, 1965 (détail) © Fondation Gandur pour l’art Genève — Photographie André Morin — ADAGP Paris, 2023 Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 Encore 6 mois : 22 juin → 31 décembre 2023 Conçue à partir des œuvres de la figuration narrative de la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art et des collections du Mémorial (affiches, objets, films, photographies, unes de presse), Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 aborde la représentation de l’histoire en marche : celle notamment de la guerre du Vietnam et de la confrontation entre blocs durant la guerre froide, des procès tardifs des nazis en Allemagne, du franquisme au pouvoir, de la révolution culturelle chinoise, mais aussi celle plus sociale de Mai 68, des luttes pour l’égalité des sexes ou contre la ségrégation raciale, de la société de consommation et du tourisme de masse comme pivots de l’histoire du monde occidental...
Filmed underwater, this is the third video in Nguyen-Hatsushiba’s “Memorial Project” series which began in 2001...