Libro Azul (Ayer-Mañana) (Blue Book (Yesterday-Tomorrow))

2011 - Sculpture (Sculpture)

Mateo Lopez

location: Bogota, Colombia
year born: 1978
gender: male
nationality: Colombian
home town: Bogota, Colombia

Though he often works with paper and traditional techniques such as lithography, Mateo López is interested in expanding the scope of drawing and frequently operates outside of traditional studio situations to conjure personal experiences. His early studies in architecture equipped him to consider his medium in terms of time and space, and in three rather than two dimensions. The portability of López’s methods, along with his personal approach to collecting information from his personal journeys, has become a trademark of his installations. Drawings and trompe l’oeil objects, ranging from apples to clothing hangers to doors, extend beyond their sources of inspiration as sensuous entities, creating their own life in a Proustian narrative.


Other related works, blended automatically

Roca Carbón (Charcoal Rock)

Mateo Lopez


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Metaphors of the presence or conversations at the speed of light

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Casa de la cabeza (House of the head)

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20 Surrogates

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The Book Cover series

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Avenida Corona del Rosal

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Suburbia 1, Espinca bifida #3, Laconista7

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Ximena Garrido Lecca


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Mapa Mundi BR (postal)

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Instituto de visión (Institution of Vision)

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Round and Round and Consumed by Fire

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Masks (Merkel F6.1)

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Trópico entrópico

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Defined as entropy, the second law of thermodynamics proposes that energy is more easily dispersed than it is concentrated...

Vallegrande 1967

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The primary interest in the trilogy is Joskowicz’s use of cinematic space, with long tracking shots that portray resistance to habitual viewing experiences of film and television...

I used to eat lemon meringue pie till I overloaded on my pancreas with sugar and passed out; It seemed to be a natural response to a society of abundance

Daniel Joseph Martinez


For I use to eat lemon meringue pie till I overloaded on my pancreas with sugar and passed out; It seemed to be a natural response to a society of abundance (1978), also known as the Bodybuilder series, Martinez asked male bodybuilding competitors to pose in whatever position felt “most natural.” They are obviously trained in presenting their ambitiously carved physiques, but their facial expressions seem comparatively unstudied...

Flower Tree

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Nicolás Consuegra


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Nadie sabe de la sed con que otro bebe (No one knows the thirst with which another drinks)

Nicolás Consuegra


A residency program in the blazing hot city of Honda, Colombia, inspired artist Nicolás Consuegra to consider the difficulty in understanding the needs of a distant community...