Titled afterTruman Capote’s protagonist famously played by Audrey Hepburn in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), Holly Golightly (2011) captures the essence of the character: seductive and bold, mysterious and capricious. Though tied to the ceiling by a chain, the suggested figure is literally light on her feet, with a pointed boot hovering just above the gallery floor. Non-parallel lines and inconsistent angles lend the sculpture a sense of airy haphazardness. Though seemingly a jumble, the found pipes and slices of metal never fail to align in formally pleasing arrangements, mimicking the character’s frivolous, seemingly accidental elegance.
The Los Angeles–based artist Jason Meadows uses found and manufactured objects to craft idiosyncratic assemblages. Though smart and studied, his constructions are hardly academic. Rich in character development, narrative, and humor, they suggest a position of critical kinship with comics, cartoons, and Hollywood films.
Donald of Doom Tank (2008) is a replica of a vintage metal toy with Donald Duck’s image one side and a soldier on the other...
Jeep Comics is based on the second of only two issues published by RB Leffingwell and Company in 1944–45...
Gutmann’s photographs Untitled Nob Hill and From the North Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge are some of the oldest pieces in the Kadist Collection and serve as historical anchors for many of the more recent works...
Collier Schorr’s prints upend conventions of portrait photography by challenging what it means to “document” a subject...
The Striation Scrap Lamps (vertical and horizontal) although functioning as utilitarian objects also represent Jason Meadows’s interest in a certain kind of crafted sculpture...
Donald of Doom Tank (2008) is a replica of a vintage metal toy with Donald Duck’s image one side and a soldier on the other...
Jeep Comics is based on the second of only two issues published by RB Leffingwell and Company in 1944–45...
In Restaurant, Canton, Ohio (2011), a convenience store offers food, liquor, and Coca Cola to an empty street...
Like many of his other sculptural works, the source of I am the Greatest is actually a historical photograph of an identical button pin from the 1960s...
Seyni Awa Camara — John McAllister — Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations — Galerie Almine Rech — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Seyni Awa Camara — John McAllister — Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations — Galerie Almine Rech — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Seyni Awa Camara — John McAllister — Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations Exposition Installations, peinture, sculpture Seyni Awa Camara, John McAllister, Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations, 2023 Galerie Almine Rech — Photographie : DR Seyni Awa Camara — John McAllister Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations Encore 13 jours : 11 janvier → 24 février 2024 Almine Rech présente Sculpting Earth, Painting Sensations, une exposition créant un dialogue unique entre les artistes Seyni Awa Camara et John McAllister...
Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré Exhibition Installation, sculpture Closing Nina Azoulay, Olivia, 2024 © Nina Azoulay Nina Azoulay Comme un rond dans un carré Ends in 7 days: January 11 → February 18, 2024 La Project Room est le nouvel espace prospectif et expérimental du Frac qui prend place dans la dernière salle du Plateau...
The Striation Scrap Lamps (vertical and horizontal) although functioning as utilitarian objects also represent Jason Meadows’s interest in a certain kind of crafted sculpture...
Jason Meadows’s Do Not Pass Go (2011) depicts Richie Rich, “the poor little rich boy” of the 1950s comic strip...
Behind the simplicity and beauty of this untitled photograph of a brilliantly-colored flowerbed by Félix González-Torres are two remarkable stories of love, loss, and resilience...