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theme: new_york.n.01





Artist Traits

Artist Name

Decade Work Created

Action 3:02


Film & Video (Film & Video)

Leonardogillesfleur describe Action 3:02 as their “first New York blizzard storm at about 5am. The photographic moment of a photo album which could have been taken by anybody in any familiar situation with the intention to immortalize that moment.”

The Town

Michel Auder

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The Town consists of footage taken from Auder’s studio of the skyline of New York, tracking planes as they fly across the sky and pass tall buildings. At the time of recording, like all of this films, there was no particular intent. However, in the aftermath of 9/11, this film becomes prescient and ominously prophetic.

Nan Goldin

Michel Auder

Michel Auder was born in 1945 in Soissons, France...


The artistic entity “leonardogillesfleur” is the alliance between two artists, Leonardo Giacomuzzo (b...