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theme: home.n.01


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Living Distance

Xin Liu

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Living Distance by Xin Liu is a VR work and two-channel video based on a real mission in which the artist’s wisdom tooth was sent to outer space and back down to Earth again. In the VR work, users play the role of the tooth, journeying from the mouth to outer space, with a poetic narration by Liu. The piece is exquisitely rendered, with deep blacks that make the experience especially powerful on a Vive Pro.

Glorie #7

Caspar Heinemann

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Glorie #7 by Caspar Heinemann is made from cardboard boxes in which the artist received deliveries at home during lockdown, as well as other materials that he uses in an improvisatory way. Initially, Heinemann began this project by wanting to make a series of birdhouses, an interest of his that derived from walking in parks during lockdown, when bird life was so much more present as a result of the reduction in traffic noise and the absence of aircrafts. Though birdhouses may be safe spaces to nurture fledglings, they are also inherently absurd, as human constructs projected onto bird life.

Transparências de lar (Home Transparencies)

Ilana Bar

Photography (Photography)

One of Ilana Bar’s best-known works is the series Transparências de lar (Home Transparencies) in which, for four years, the artist photographed her family’s rural home in Atibaia where her father lives with his two brothers and Ilana’s own brother, all three with Down Syndrome. Transparências de lar is the record of a serene, though certainly not a perfect, place. In this place Down Syndrome is not considered an alienable difference in the way that it is in Western culture, it is not problematic or a cause for social exclusion.

Vision (Bump’n’Curl)

Dannielle Bowman

Photography (Photography)

Vision (Bump’n’Curl) by Dannielle Bowman is from a series of photographs titled What Had Happened . The series blends a major historical event with small, personal images. The photographs retain fragments of the artist’s own heritage and investigate the concept of home, while gaining inspiration from the Great Migration, a movement in which African Americans from the South (including Bowman’s grandparents) moved to the North, and also the American West from 1916-1970.

Doodood and John

Chris Huen Sin-Kan

Painting (Painting)

Contrast to the bustling and unrelenting experience of a city such as Hong Kong, Chris Huen Sin Kan paints the tranquil interiors of his apartment, where he leads a modest and almost hermit-like life. He does not try to capture a particular moment, but rather the simultaneously changes that occur before him in time, exploring the nuances of light and reflections and recording movements in his apartment, his dog’s behavior and reactions, the way his plant change over time, all in an attempt to find a visual expression of his cognitive experience. Doodood and John are the names of his dog and the plant.

Untitled (Family Project)

Motoyuki Daifu

Photography (Photography)

Seven family members and a cat all squeezed into the small five-room house, where Motoyuki Daifu grew up in Yokohama. This young photographer’s Family Project series documents the chaos of his family’s home life. Viewers of Daifu’s color photographs peer into the cramped, cluttered, and intimate world of their living quarters, what would normally be hidden from outsiders.

Xin Liu

Xin Liu’s work revolves around various ways of experiencing distance, and exploring the tension between personal experience and technological society...

Chris Huen Sin-Kan

Chris Huen Sin-Kan (b...

Caspar Heinemann

Caspar Heinemann is a queer artist and writer who makes work that reflects and represents his gender and identity...

Ilana Bar

Ilana Bar is a Brazilian artist, photographer and researcher...

Motoyuki Daifu

Dannielle Bowman

Working in photography, Dannielle Bowman’s photographs are multilayered, pushing a more nuanced understanding of American history and culture across various physical locations and time periods...


about 87 months ago (03/04/2017)