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theme: graph.n.01

Decade Work Created


Artist Name

And shadows will follow

Thea Djordjadze

Sculpture (Sculpture)

The sculpture And Shadows Will Follow is an angle piece that articulates a space since its appearance highly changes depending on the point of view. Initially conceived for an exhibition with natural light, this work diffracts light and projects a shadow like a cut-out. Surprisingly the work stands like a drawing in space, a graph and its imprint, a line and a point.

Fire Cycles III (Subcycle 10)

Anthony McCall

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

This score is a graphic record of the detailed choreography of one of Anthony McCall’s Landscape for Fire performances. These took place between 1972-74 in the UK at the Museum of Modern Art in Oxford, Colchester School of Art, in Reading and in North Weald as well as in Sweden at Fylkingen Society of Contemporary Music and Arts, Stockholm, and in the USA at the William Patterson University, Wayne, New Jersey. Many of these events were photographed by David Kilburn and Carolee Schneemann, only one in 1972 was filmed.

Anthony McCall

Thea Djordjadze

Thea Djordjadze was born in 1971 in Tiflis, Georgia...