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artist: Charlotte Moth


Willa Niespodzianka

Charlotte Moth

Photography (Photography)

It is with the eye of a sculptor that Charlotte Moth records modernist architecture and its copies which she encounters during her trips and residences. Photographed in black and white, these architectures seem empty, out of time, and open to any interpretation. The artist creates a classification of her species of spaces, called the “Travelogue”, which is both artwork and tool since it allows her to ceaselessly generate new works.

..this was the plane - the variously large and accentuated, but always exactly determined plane - from which everything would be made…

Charlotte Moth

Photography (Photography)

It is with the eye of a sculptor that Charlotte Moth records modernist architecture and its copies which she encounters during her trips and residences. Photographed in black and white, these architectures seem empty, out of time, and open to any interpretation. The artist creates a classification of her species of spaces, called the “Travelogue”, which is both artwork and tool since it allows her to ceaselessly generate new works.

The Absent Forms

Charlotte Moth

Photography (Photography)

Charlotte Moth asked the art critic Francesco Pedraglio to write a text in response to the Man Ray film “Les Mystères du Château de Dé”, the decor of which was the Villa Noailles, built by Mallet-Stevens. Pedraglio’s text was then displaced since the artist attributed it to her own photographs taken on the rue Mallet-Stevens in Paris. A percussionist gave a audio response to the film during the opening at the Halle fu?r Kunst in Lüneburg, in 2010.

Charlotte Moth

Charlotte Moth has been constituting an image bank since 1999...