Countless Species

Countless Species Curatorial action by Manuel Segade, independent curator and researcher, in the context of Canibalia Thursday, February 19th, 2015 at 7.30pm, Kadist Paris. Upon reservation : Please confirm your presence by sending an email at contact(at) kadist .org The performance will be held in French. Countless Species is a curatorial project which consists of a publication in different installments, accompanied by a series of performances. In the form of an on-going visual and textual essay, it offers a genealogical critique of the principles that drive exhibition display and the narrative of the museum. This action – presented previously in Cape Town (South Africa), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Quito (Ecuador), Mallorca, Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid (Spain) – consists of a curatorial performance in the format of a lecture where the author himself performs the beginning of the publication. Taking as its point of departure the moment of the museum’s invention, this book considers the modern and pedagogical discourses whereby a specific natural order became public in natural science and anatomical museums of the 19th century. Thought as a permanent negotiation, the book, more than a final text, appears in successive installments. Performance time: 60’ Manuel Segade (A Coruña, Spain, 1977) is a researcher and independent curator, who lives and works in Rotterdam. His practice focuses largely on the circulation of critical discourses on representation and more concretely, on the historical and aesthetical construction of subjectivity, the ways in which a community is developed, the complexity of lifestyles, Queer theory or language performativity, intertwined by an essentially political task. From 2007 to 2009 he was a curator of the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea in Santiago de Compostela. In 2009 he resumed his freelance activity producing and curating projects for La Casa Encendida, MUSAC or Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo. Since 1998 he works in fragments of a cultural history of aesthetical practices of the end of the XIXth century, around the production of a somatic and sexualized subjectivity; a result of this research is his published essay «Narciso Fin de Siglo» (Melusina, 2008). He is teaching in different curatorial programs, such as Honours in Curatorship in Cape Town (South Africa) or the Ecole du Magasin in Grenoble, where he is currently tutor of the 2015 session. To know more about Manuel Segade, click here .
