Daniel Gibson’s Big Sky Exhibition: The Subjective Reality of Place at Almine Rech, NYC (Interview)

about 3 months ago (02/07/2024)

Daniel Gibson’s Big Sky Exhibition: The Subjective Reality of Place at Almine Rech, NYC (Interview) - ArteFuse Installation view, Daniel Gibson: Big Sky at Almine Rech in Tribeca, NYC, 2024. Daniel Gibson’s piece, titled You got to come from somewhere, you just don’t fall out of the sky depicts a man falling out of a sky that still partially envelops him, his hand firmly on the arid, pale-brown desert ground of New Mexico. This painting succinctly describes Gibson’s aesthetic and conceptual practice—it acts as a kind of mission statement for much of his work: an attachment to place, specifically the dry, yet not lifeless, region of the American Southwest, concurring with a focus on something that transcends location.

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