In this anti-collage, which comes from a series of 4, Macuga takes a photo she found in the archives of Zacheta National Gallery in Warsaw. The series was made on the occasion of her exhibition there in 2011. In 2000, Harald Szeemann curated an exhibition at Zacheta called ‘Beware of Exiting your Dreams: You May Find Yourself in Somebody Else’s.’ The exhibition provoked a violent response as a result of his inclusion of Maurizio Cattelan’s La nona ora , where the figure of the Pope is struck down by a meteor.
In Made In Heaven , we are face to face with a sculptural apparition, a divine visitation in the artist’s studio. It isn’t just any object, but an iconic sculpture of the end of the 20th century: Jeff Koons’ Bunny. One key question in this work is of course the construction of images, but there is also the question of sculpture, of the passage from two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality.
She works with archival materials she finds in libraries and museums...
In Made In Heaven , we are face to face with a sculptural apparition, a divine visitation in the artist’s studio...
In this anti-collage, which comes from a series of 4, Macuga takes a photo she found in the archives of Zacheta National Gallery in Warsaw...