Message to the Extraterrestrials consists of a slide projector beaming images into the side of the telescope. These are then reflected down to a mirror at the bottom of the telescope and from there to a mirror on the ceiling. From the ceiling the images bounce down to a mirror at floor level which projects the images through an open window to the world outside.
In the work We only move wehen something changes !! !, Olaf Breuning composes a portrait of posed antiglobalization protesters, each wearing clown noses, inside of a scene reminiscent of an event. Like in the work Easter Bunnies (2004) (photographs of the Moai of Easter Island with big ears and rabbit teeth supported by scaffolding) the artist introduces the outside frame into his photographic frame.
Charlotte Moth asked the art critic Francesco Pedraglio to write a text in response to the Man Ray film “Les Mystères du Château de Dé”, the decor of which was the Villa Noailles, built by Mallet-Stevens. Pedraglio’s text was then displaced since the artist attributed it to her own photographs taken on the rue Mallet-Stevens in Paris. A percussionist gave a audio response to the film during the opening at the Halle fu?r Kunst in Lüneburg, in 2010.
Winter is a film installation of multiple tenses—shot in the recent past, depicting an unknown future, unfolding (and changing) in the present of the exhibition. Shot in the white-washed homes of New Zealand architect Ian Athfield, including his own communal compound high above Wellington harbor, the film suggests various temporal and cultural conditions of instability, hinting at concerns of global warming and nuclear accidents, pushing at the boundaries of science fiction, stripped of narrative explication and causal explanation.
This video was filmed in the middle of the Zagreb fair which took place in the 1960s and 1970s under the rule of Tito. Tito created the fair to signify the exemplary economic exchange between the East and West. The film’s setting takes place at the Italian pavilion, where several young people are seen sitting in cars, trying to repeat sentences in English.
Uncertain Pilgrimage is an ongoing project in which Moore draws from his unplanned travels in recent years. Many of the pieces are found objects and discarded materials that he has transformed into tools and eccentric prop-like sculptures to help him on his journeys. Map (from Uncertain Pilgrimage) is one such object that could be a metaphor for the whole project: a simple empty paper map that has no location written on it.
Christoph Keller’s works function between science and art and have a practical as well as an aesthetic application...
Charlotte Moth has been constituting an image bank since 1999...
Olaf Breuning’s photographs, videos, performances and installations play with codes of mass production with references to publicity, fashion and cinema and “high” and “low” art...
In the work We only move wehen something changes !!!, Olaf Breuning composes a portrait of posed antiglobalization protesters, each wearing clown noses, inside of a scene reminiscent of an event...
This video was filmed in the middle of the Zagreb fair which took place in the 1960s and 1970s under the rule of Tito...
Uncertain Pilgrimage is an ongoing project in which Moore draws from his unplanned travels in recent years...
Message to the Extraterrestrials consists of a slide projector beaming images into the side of the telescope...
Charlotte Moth asked the art critic Francesco Pedraglio to write a text in response to the Man Ray film “Les Mystères du Château de Dé”, the decor of which was the Villa Noailles, built by Mallet-Stevens...
Winter is a film installation of multiple tenses—shot in the recent past, depicting an unknown future, unfolding (and changing) in the present of the exhibition...