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theme: travel.n.01

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Living Distance

Xin Liu

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Living Distance by Xin Liu is a VR work and two-channel video based on a real mission in which the artist’s wisdom tooth was sent to outer space and back down to Earth again. In the VR work, users play the role of the tooth, journeying from the mouth to outer space, with a poetic narration by Liu. The piece is exquisitely rendered, with deep blacks that make the experience especially powerful on a Vive Pro.

The Workshop

Gilad Ratman

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Originally a multi-channel video installation with sculptures and sound, this iteration of The Workshop by Gilad Ratman is a three-channel distillation of the expansive project that follows a group’s underground pilgrimage from Mt. Carmel in Israel to Venice, emerging underneath the Israeli pavilion in the Venetian Giardini. Upon their arrival, the motley group of 30 non-actor participants then sculpt self-portrait busts of themselves, with microphones embedded and protruding from the sculptures.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Nikau Hindin

Textile (Textile)

Maori barkcloth making is the central artistic form in the Pacific, and still at the core of cultural expression in many Pacific countries. However, Maori barkcloth making ceased to be practiced in the nineteenth century, at the same time as the arrival of European colonists. Completed barkcloth works often represent another complex Pacific Indigenous accomplishment, the sophisticated system of celestial mapping used in the cross-Pacific navigation that led to the expansion of a vivid pan-Pacific civilisation, thriving before colonial disruption.


Cauleen Smith

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Set to the iconic and spiritual music of Alice Coltrane’s Turiyasangitananda (1937–2007), Cauleen Smith’s film Sojourner travels across the US to visit a series of sites important to an alternative and creative narrative of black history. While the approach may appear spiritual, it is more futuristic (Afrofuturism and Radical Jazz) than religious. Smith is interested in using the individual stories of “those who have formed their own solutions” as a reconstructive and healing lens for considering the past.

Sketches from train ride Chicago to San Francisco

Lam Tung Pang

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Lam Tung Pang created Sketches from train ride Chicago to San Francisco during his travels through the United States researching American curatorial strategies for representing traditional Chinese painting in museums and cultural institutions. The drawings incorporate both traditional and contemporary Chinese landscape techniques to reflect on the memory, history, and aesthetic practices of the Chinese laborers who played a prominent role in the American westward expansion. By representing the Western landscape according to Chinese aesthetics, Lam calls attention to the distortions and cultural specificity of American representations of the Western landscape and non-Western cultures.

Marché Salomon

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Marché Salomon by Beatriz Santiago Muñoz depicts two meat vendors, a young man and woman, chatting in Marché Salomon, a busy Port-au-Prince market. Amongst the surrounding bustle, the two have an unsentimental discussion about the mystical qualities of common products sold at the market, wondering whether the divine can inhabit any kind of object—mass produced bottles, toxic rivers, beheaded goats. Their musings weave together the cosmic and the mundane, with the work of butchering a goat and the characters of the market serving as existential metaphors for the universe, time travel, ghosts, and death.

Untitled, from Notícias de América series

Paulo Nazareth

Photography (Photography)

In 2011, Paulo Nazareth completed a unique journey of several thousand miles. Nazareth left Minas Gerais, Brazil and walked across all of Latin America to the United States to take part in an exhibition during the Miami edition of Art Basel. The series Notícias de América , described by the artist as a residency in transit, or perhaps an accidental residency, is the result of a year’s elaboration of a body of work that is the direct result of an entanglement of human affairs experienced along the way.

Burrito Bay

George Kuchar

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Burrito Bay is a video by George Kuchar that follows the format of a diary or travelogue centered on a tropical trip to Acapulco, Mexico. The footage was filmed during the production of Tropical Vulture , a cross-generational collaborative project between George Kuchar and his then student, Mexican artist Miguel Calderón. The video strays away from the conventions of documentary: Kuchar adds an array of effects such as fadeouts between scenes, overlaid digital shapes traversing across the frame, and a strange, unexpected soundtrack.

Untitled, from Notícias de América series

Paulo Nazareth

Photography (Photography)

In 2011, Paulo Nazareth completed a unique journey of several thousand miles. Nazareth left Minas Gerais, Brazil and walked across all of Latin America to the United States to take part in an exhibition during the Miami edition of Art Basel. The series Notícias de América , described by the artist as a residency in transit, or perhaps an accidental residency, is the result of a year’s elaboration of a body of work that is the direct result of an entanglement of human affairs experienced along the way.


Paulo Nazareth

Photography (Photography)

In 2011, Paulo Nazareth completed a unique journey of several thousand miles. Nazareth left Minas Gerais, Brazil and walked across all of Latin America to the United States to take part in an exhibition during the Miami edition of Art Basel. The series Notícias de América , described by the artist as a residency in transit, or perhaps an accidental residency, is the result of a year’s elaboration of a body of work that is the direct result of an entanglement of human affairs experienced along the way.

Paulo Nazareth

Born in 1977 in the city of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Paulo Nazareth now lives as a global nomad...

Nikau Hindin

Through her art practice, Nikau Hindin revives the Maori artform of barkcloth making...

Gilad Ratman

Gilad Ratman’s videos and installations address the apparently untenable aspects of human behavior by exploring the need for community and by showing forms of resistance and the borders of self...

Lam Tung Pang

Lam Tung Pang uses both traditional and non-traditional Chinese ink techniques and materials for his landscapes, referencing notions of collective memory that relate to specific sites...

Cauleen Smith

Cauleen Smith is an artist and filmmaker whose approach has been shaped by the discourse of mid-twentieth-century experimental film — including structuralism, third world cinema, and science fiction...

George Kuchar

George Kuchar was a key figure in experimental and independent filmmaking in the Bay Area and more broadly across America...

Xin Liu

Xin Liu’s work revolves around various ways of experiencing distance, and exploring the tension between personal experience and technological society...


about 11 months ago (02/12/2024)


about 196 months ago (12/01/2008)