Moké’s Sans Titre (1994) depicts the everyday life of the suburbs from a distant and elevated perspective. Looking down on a residential area we see groups of children playing in the street, we see cars and trucks loaded with produce backed up on the road that runs through the center of the tableau. We see two Skol adverting billboards that line the road; Skol being the fifth biggest beer brand by volume in the world that was established in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1965.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
In his photographic series Périphérique (2005–2008), Mohamed Bourouissa used the composition of classical paintings to stage the portrait of friends and young people in the banlieue s (suburbs). He states “by deconstructing the clichés surrounding this subject, I deal with the problematic power struggle and its mechanics.” This series follows various themes explored throughout the work of Bourouissa. For Temps Morts, his first film, he depicted a yearlong series of mobile phone exchanges with someone in prison.
Three hours west of New York City is the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania. The story of this eastern ghost town’s demise has become legend: in 1962 burning trash ignited a vein of anthracite coal, starting an underground fire that continues to burn today, forcing the town’s depopulation. Centralia has since become a pilgrimage site; or rather a mile-long stretch of state route 61 outside of the town that sits abandoned, its surface buckled and cracked by the underground fire.
The Illusion of Everything (2014) follows an unseen pedestrian as he navigates the Australian city of Melbourne’s dense and intricate network of laneways. The video begins with the pedestrian traversing a seemingly idyllic ivy lined stone and concrete thoroughfare. As his pace begins to accelerate, the camera follows him with greater urgency, slowly settling and become stable again as his pace decelerates.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Calle’s drawings all inhabit received forms but alter them to call attention to specific qualities. A newspaper is both reproduced and modified to call attention to the newspaper as a means of information transmission. This also emphasizes the effect of various seemingly unimportant support mechanisms: the role of visual layout and images.
Fridge-Freezer is a 2-channel video installation where Yoshua Okón explores the darker side of suburbia, d escribed by the artist as “ the ideal environment for a numb existence of passive consumerism and social a nd environmental disengagement. ” Filmed at display homes in the suburbs of Manchester in the United Kingdom, the video features real-estate agents clad in bright-red blazers enthusiastically describing features of the ‘dream home’ as they walk through different rooms. A couple of additional elements, a couch and neutral soft carpet, recreate the domestic setting and immerse the viewer in the unfolding scenes.
Alex Lukas’s practice is much akin to that of the researcher, historian or collector of folklore, exploring exceptional sites in the American landscape...
Mohamed Bourouissa became known in the 2000s with a series of photographs on young people in the suburbs of Paris...
Drawing & Print
Calle’s drawings all inhabit received forms but alter them to call attention to specific qualities...
The Illusion of Everything (2014) follows an unseen pedestrian as he navigates the Australian city of Melbourne’s dense and intricate network of laneways...
Fridge-Freezer is a 2-channel video installation where Yoshua Okón explores the darker side of suburbia, d escribed by the artist as “ the ideal environment for a numb existence of passive consumerism and social a nd environmental disengagement...
Drawing & Print
In his photographic series Périphérique (2005–2008), Mohamed Bourouissa used the composition of classical paintings to stage the portrait of friends and young people in the banlieue s (suburbs)...