Arseniy Zhilyaev (born 1984 in Voronezh, Russia) is an artist, writer and political activist who lives and works in Moscow and Voronezh. Zhilyaev’s artistic practice poses questions about the ?ultural production in the postsoviet condition. To trace Arseniy Zhilyaev’s work, one should span from the avant-garde of the 1920’s to the ‘shock therapy’ of the 1990’s in Russia.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Aktionsplan is a map of the field by Kyevy Gorky. Here Monastyrsky locates many of the iconic actions that occurred between 1977 and 1999. In this drawing, the static positions of the audience are marked with circles while the audience that re-locates is marked with hexagons as an arrow delineates their trajectory.
For Taus Makhacheva, the wild, untamed side of human nature is often the foundation of many of her formal investigations. A leading voice of the younger generation based in Moscow, Makhacheva works with sculpture and installation while her preferred medium remains video. Her Dagestani (Northern Caucasian) roots draw her to this rugged land as her site of choice for many of her works.
Artist, poet, writer and theoretician...
Arseny Zhilyaev is arguably one of the most influential contemporary Russian artists of his generation...
Taus Makhacheva’s performance and video works critically examine what happens when different cultures, traditions come into contact with one another...
Drawing & Print
Aktionsplan is a map of the field by Kyevy Gorky...
Arseniy Zhilyaev (born 1984 in Voronezh, Russia) is an artist, writer and political activist who lives and works in Moscow and Voronezh...
For Taus Makhacheva, the wild, untamed side of human nature is often the foundation of many of her formal investigations...