Storytelling and Mental Wellness | ArtsEquator Skip to content In conjunction with the 'Mental Health Awareness & Wellbeing Festival 2022', ArtsEquator learns how storytelling can be a catalyst for mental clarity and self awareness...
How the Singapore literary ecosystem tackles mental health | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints December 27, 2021 By Sarah Tang (1,450 words, 5-minute read) cw: Contains mentions of suicide There appears to be more local books and writing about mental health in the Singapore lit scene in recent years...
WrICE 2021: Writers Ask Writers, Asia Pacific edition | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints December 7, 2021 We asked 11 writers and translators of poetry, fiction and non-fiction to participate in an exquisite corpse -like Q&A session, with each person answering a question and then asking one...