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theme: review.n.02

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Chase ATM emitting blue smoke, Bank of America ATM emitting red smoke, TD Bank ATM emitting green smoke

Andrew Norman Wilson

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Chase ATM emitting blue smoke, Bank of America ATM emitting red smoke, TD Bank ATM emitting green smoke was shot in the American Southwest at Mid-century modern architectural structures that were built to house regional independent banks and have since been bought up by Chase, Bank of America, and TD Bank. The video utilizes transparency and opacity effects in multimedia software to question the perceptibility of finance. It offers a complex metaphor (toxic assets, emergency flares, house/mortgage on fire) about the financial sector and the effects of the ‘crisis’ that led to the disappearance (and the ghostly memory) of many local and regional banks.

Establishing Shot; Interior, Night - Exterior, Day; without Antagonist and Extra (Absefid Waterfall)

Shahab Fotouhi

Photography (Photography)

Shahab Fotouhi’s photographic series Establishing Shot; Interior, Night – Exterior, Day; without Antagonist and Extra consists of four C-prints that at first glance would appear to be travel posters for Iran, in that each features a beautifully shot image of an Iranian waterfall. Upon closer inspection, one will find the superimposition over the photographs of a script that looks like code. The text is actually a transcription of a political debate that occurred between two 2009 Iranian presidential campaign candidates, but with all the words removed, leaving only the punctuation.

Shahab Fotouhi

Shahab Fotouhi uses sculpture, video and photography to present moments of suspension, merging the playful and the serious...

Andrew Norman Wilson

Andrew Norman Wilson is an artist, curator, and filmmaker whose practice is mostly based in research and documentary...


about 62 months ago (02/01/2020)


about 125 months ago (11/23/2014)


about 139 months ago (09/28/2013)


about 163 months ago (10/12/2011)


about 170 months ago (03/07/2011)


about 208 months ago (02/02/2008)