Created from extracts of kitsch movies or Greek soap operas from the 1960s, these videos are like audiovisual ‘postcards’ reflecting a nostalgic and melancholic approach. The images have lost their context and original meaning to then be re-assembled, confronted to each other and superimposed with other elements, to reveal new sequences. The narration has disappeared from the sequences and the spectator waits in vain for something to happen.
Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination. The images she works with to create her collages (paper or video) come from magazines or history books, film extracts or soap operas from the 1960s and 1970s. By readapting a universal past (in her work on monuments) as well as personal (with tv series she used to watch as a child, etc.)
After being cast, the resulting resin block used in JCA-25-SC was cut into thin slices obtaining a series of rectangular shapes that resemble ceramic tiles. Usually displayed in grid against the wall or in a corner, the viewer is able to follow the sequence of cross sections to visually recreate the work’s genesis. In this way, Caesar’s pieces embody an interesting x-ray or archaeology of the artistic process itself.
Epaminonda’s video works are based on re-shot excerpts of film and television footage – principally the Greek soap operas and kitsch romantic films fromthe 1960s that used to fill up Sunday afternoons in the artist’s Cypriot childhood –which she then subtly reworks...
Created from extracts of kitsch movies or Greek soap operas from the 1960s, these videos are like audiovisual ‘postcards’ reflecting a nostalgic and melancholic approach...
Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination...
After being cast, the resulting resin block used in JCA-25-SC was cut into thin slices obtaining a series of rectangular shapes that resemble ceramic tiles...