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theme: privacy.n.01


Decade Work Created


Artist Name


I (heart) Data Mining

Amy Balkin

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Data mining is a computer software process that can involve the neutral or benign analyzing of internet data for patterns, however, it can also imply the more sinister activities of surveillance or subject-based information gathering. Amy Balkin’s neon sculpture I (heart) Data Mining , takes on this issue by revealing the acronyms or abbreviations of both technology companies and government bodies that have either profited from data mining, or have used it to political ends. The culprits include Facebook, Investigative Data Warehouse, Apple Computer, The Department of Homeland Security, Narus, Target, and Twitter.

Poetry Light Stool

Aki Sasamoto

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Poetry Light Stool evokes the spirit of Fluxus, the intermedia movement that encouraged artmaking to be simple, fun, and address everyday life. Aki Sasamoto does just that with this ironic work that revolves around found objects, namely a four-legged wooden stool to which she attached four wheels. Coiling above is a goose-neck cable that rises up and culminates in a globe lamp.

De Grote Boodschap

Omer Fast

Film & Video (Film & Video)

This work is based on a temporal loop in which the stories of several duets coexist and interfere with each other. The narrative articulates itself around four key moments or four neighboring apartments that the viewer discovers progressively: an air stewardess having an argument with her unemployed husband, and old lady telling old stories that no longer interest her caregiver, a black woman who is accused of stealing jewelry just when a newcomer, of Arab origin, moves into the apartment block. The narration itself is based on a void or non-event, however its dialogues refer to subjects such as terrorism or iimmigration.

Amy Balkin

Based in San Francisco, Amy Balkin’s various long-term projects respond to society’s relationship to the land, the atmosphere, the ocean and other natural resources, and how these resources have been used and valued...

Aki Sasamoto

Aki Sasamoto is an artist whose mediums include performance, sculpture, dance, and whatever other form it takes to get her ideas across...

Omer Fast