The film called Temps Mort (Dead Time or Time Out) presents an exchange of short video footage assembled into one final edit. Remotely driven footage of daily life in prison, the banality of a sink, of a plant or a plate of pasta are offtset against scenes of life outside, in the streets of Paris, a night of love or seascapes. The dialogue between the inmate and the artist occurs by text messages and captures this exceptional situation of exchange, sharing et perhaps dependence.
Temps Mort is the result of one year of mobile phone exchanges of still images and videos between the artist and a person incarcerated in prison. Mohamed Bourouissa directs the scenes to be reconstructed inside the prison from a distance. With sketches and instructions, he indicates in detail the sort of shots he would like to receive.
“Pasvang, Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison” is the result of three months Subotzky spent inside the walls of Pollsmoor Prison, an overcrowded correctional facility largely controlled by gangs. Through talking to the prisoners and the warders, teaching classes in photography to the inmates and documenting his experiences, Subotzky captured a unique perspective of the prisoners and the prison itself. Subotzky was working digitally, and a key feature of the Pollsmoor work was panoramic images in which he would stitch together a number of shots to give a 360-degree view of the jammed prison wards and spaces.
Jonas Staal’s installation is based on the thesis written by Fleur Agema and titled “Closed Architecture”. The paper, written by the second most important person of Geert Wilderds’ Freedom Party, concerns an ambitious model for a new prison that focuses on the reconditioning of prisoners by means of four phases. Staal’s work is developed through a book, a plan and a 3d virtual tour in the social imagery of a current minister of the State of the Netherlands.
Part of a series of videos called LIFE, where Shay Arik videos that re-enact iconic journalistic photographs. As explained by the video’s title, the departure point for LIFE #1 is the iconic 1943 photograph published by Life magazine that captures Japanese officer Yasuno Chikao from the Imperial Japanese Navy as he raises his sword, seconds before publically beheading Australian war commando Leonard Siffleet in the shores of Papua New Guinea. In Arick’s restaging there are no onlookers in the scene, the only two figures represented are Chikao and Siffleet: the perpetrator and victim of this fatal act of violence.
Mohamed Bourouissa became known in the 2000s with a series of photographs on young people in the suburbs of Paris...
Jonas Staal ‘s work includes interventions in public spaces, exhibitions, lectures and publications...
Mikhael Subotzky’s (b...
Violence is key to Shay Arick’s practice who employs photography, sculpture, performance, video and drawing as means to understand what motivates people to enact it...
“Pasvang, Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison” is the result of three months Subotzky spent inside the walls of Pollsmoor Prison, an overcrowded correctional facility largely controlled by gangs...
Temps Mort is the result of one year of mobile phone exchanges of still images and videos between the artist and a person incarcerated in prison...
Jonas Staal’s installation is based on the thesis written by Fleur Agema and titled “Closed Architecture”...
The film called Temps Mort (Dead Time or Time Out) presents an exchange of short video footage assembled into one final edit...
Part of a series of videos called LIFE, where Shay Arik videos that re-enact iconic journalistic photographs...