Ventana indiscreta (Rear Window) by Karen Lamassonne takes its title from Hitchcock’s renowned 1954 classic. The painting is part of Lamassinne’s Homenaje a Cali [Homage to Cali] series, developed by the artist in 1989 in a nostalgic attempt to immortalize Cali at a time in which violence from drug trafficking had rendered it unlivable, and the generation that Lamassone had lived it up with had all but dispersed. Lamassone had formally established in Cali around the middle of the decade at a time in which the hangover from the 1971 Pan-American Games and an artistic effervescence had transformed it from a provincial sleepy town into a newly discovered urban (and sexual) labyrinth, one that was fit for the artist’s own explorations around its representation.
Winfield St by Sadie Barnette depicts a seldom documented scene of men and boys in an intimate domestic setting. In the large format photograph three young boys and a man sit at a dining room table, eating a meal together. One boy is mid-bite, while another looks directly at the camera, obscuring the face of the adult.
This work was filmed on the shores of Jelly Bowl beach in Carpinteria, California, after Jennifer West was taken by the sight of a coastal family home owned by surfer Andy Perry. After conversing with Perry, spending time in the site, and engaging with several other locals, West wanted to produce a film that documented this idyllic Californian lifestyle and that embodied the sense of joy, warmth and nostalgia that multiple generations of surfers and their families had shared in this site. In the footage we see a couple of silhouettes wrapped up in blankets as they watch their beloved ones surfing at dawn—including surfers Andy Perry, and siblings Makela, Alana and Zach Moore.
90022 (Leonard Ave) by Guadalupe Rosales engages with memory, loss, grief, and nostalgia; themes that run throughout the artist’s practice. The work features a vertical mirror onto which Rosales invited family and community members to etch the names of friends and relatives in a collective memorialization of those who have died or are absent. On the surface and the bespoke metal frame are hand-etched initials, names, symbols, and dates.
Rosier’s body of films, gleam with that indeterminate in-between glow of twilight. Things hardly move at all in her films. They are, quite simply, often without plot, without spoken voice and without narrative elements.
A moonscape is a vista of the lunar landscape or a visual representation of this, such as in a painting. The term “moonscape” is also sometimes used metaphorically for an area devastated by war. Moonscape by Mona Benyamin is inspired by and dedicated to the Lunar Embassy—a company that now sells land on a variety of planets and moons, established in 1980 by a man called Dennis M. Hope, who claimed ownership of the Moon.
Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination. The images she works with to create her collages (paper or video) come from magazines or history books, film extracts or soap operas from the 1960s and 1970s. By readapting a universal past (in her work on monuments) as well as personal (with tv series she used to watch as a child, etc.)
This work is meditative and fragile. These abstract forms are projected slides belonging to another lecture, Travelogue , where the images have been removed. What is left is the hole of the frame of the slide that light draws upon and projects on the wall.
Untitled (1992) responds to the same principles of an economy of means as the artist’s actions and installations: three empty cardboard boxes which have contained photographic film are piled one on top of the other. Nevertheless there is a harmony in the assembly of forms, writing, colors, proportions; an aesthetic construction is carried by this contemporary still life. This work charts the passing of time: the cardboard yellows, the film becomes obsolete in the digital age.
Houck’s Peg and John was made as part of a series of photographic works that capture objects from the artist’s childhood. In this image, drafting materials (pencils, compasses, and protractors) are laid out next to shotgun shell casings. Presenting these objects in juxtaposition but without commentary, Houck offers a partial but interesting glimpse into his own biography.
Sadie Barnette’s practice calls attention to family and community histories through photography, drawing, sculpture, and installation...
Epaminonda’s video works are based on re-shot excerpts of film and television footage – principally the Greek soap operas and kitsch romantic films fromthe 1960s that used to fill up Sunday afternoons in the artist’s Cypriot childhood –which she then subtly reworks...
Based in Los Angeles, Jennifer West is known for her work with film, not only through creating moving images and photographs, but for her exploration of the materiality of the film itself...
Raised in a multicultural and multilingual environment, Karen Lamassonne has lived and worked in the United States, Colombia, France, Germany and Italy...
Guadalupe Rosales is a multidisciplinary artist, activist, and educator...
Mona Benyamin is a visual artist and filmmaker whose work examines intergenerational perspectives on hope, trauma, and identity...
Mathilde Rosier’s oeuvre arguably skirts the line between real and fiction...
Ventana indiscreta (Rear Window) by Karen Lamassonne takes its title from Hitchcock’s renowned 1954 classic...
Untitled (1992) responds to the same principles of an economy of means as the artist’s actions and installations: three empty cardboard boxes which have contained photographic film are piled one on top of the other...
Rosier’s body of films, gleam with that indeterminate in-between glow of twilight...
This work was filmed on the shores of Jelly Bowl beach in Carpinteria, California, after Jennifer West was taken by the sight of a coastal family home owned by surfer Andy Perry...
Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination...
Houck’s Peg and John was made as part of a series of photographic works that capture objects from the artist’s childhood...
Winfield St by Sadie Barnette depicts a seldom documented scene of men and boys in an intimate domestic setting...
A moonscape is a vista of the lunar landscape or a visual representation of this, such as in a painting...
90022 (Leonard Ave) by Guadalupe Rosales engages with memory, loss, grief, and nostalgia; themes that run throughout the artist’s practice...