Squid Currency is a series of 13 non-calibrated double-sided tin coins made using a casting technique dating back to Neolithic times where cuttlebones (squid bones) were carved by hand and then used as a mold. Natsuko Uchino draws on research into tin mining across the world, which takes place largely in China and Bangladesh as well as in Potosi, Bolivia where silver has been depleted due to the production of coins and other ornate riches during the 16th century Spanish Empire. Tin has a low melting point and is easily up-cycled from vessels such as measuring cups and kitchen utensils found at yard sales.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
In his Conceito abstrato series, however, Rodrigo Torres turns to the abstract, using the shapes, numbers, lines, and subtle colors of international currencies to create non-representational forms with lavish geometries and baroque curving forms.
Yoshinori Niwa’s investigation into the monetary system and material goods is witnessed across a range of his works. As the title of this work indicates, Niwa visits several currency exchanges in the market in Istanbul and proceeds to continually exchange from one currency into another until he has no money left, going against the grain of the economy. The laborious act of exchanging the currency back and forth does not create any profit.
Following her family’s political exile to Australia in 1990, Havini began to document her journey’s home to the north of Buka Island, in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Reflecting on the still visible aftermath of conflict and changing economic factors, Havini creates traditional beroana or shell money from extracted earth materials only found on Solomon islands like Bougainville. Havini’s whirling assemblage of ceramic discs emulate the strings of shell money (still valid around the Pacific as system of payments) to examine the economic changes that occurred in her homeland.
The impressionistic surface of Wild Money (2017) recalls the 1950s paintings of Philip Guston. Its creases recall human skin, while the filigree pattern of red skeins implies what lies beneath. The body is fully implicated in this work.
Her work Al final del arcoiris (At the end of the rainbow, 2015) is a bundle of bills from Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, arranged by color to form a tight spiraling rainbow held close with a rubber band. Here, Martinez uses these various currencies to gesture towards questions of capital and value, the accumulation of wealth, and regional economies. Beneath the surface of her playful visual propositions, Martinez asks us to consider not only the monetary costs of international goods, but also the real, human consequences of a global economic culture that privileges some and devastates others.
In this installation, you are standing at the heart of a bicephalous space reflecting Goldin+Senneby’s main research led during their residency in Paris. Here, two historical events from the late 1930’s and early 50’s are confronted. In one of these spaces, you find yourself reading a map of the Marly forest where Georges Bataille’s secret society, « Acéphale », was meeting around 1937 and notably celebrating Louis XVI’s regicide.
Kwan Sheung Chi’s work One Million is a video work depicting the counting of bills. Divided into three versions, the video first shows a number of Japanese ten-thousand-yen bills being counted without in an orderly, efficient manner. In Two Million , a similar counting of one-thousand-dollar bills from Hong Kong follows.
Part of a larger series of photographic works, Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck’s Corrupted file from page 14 (V1) from the series La Vega, Plan Caracas No. 1, 1974-1976 presents an interrupted image. The images capture scenes from an urban development, La Vega, built to modernize and connect favelas in Venezuela.
From the Nakas clan, Hakö people, interdisciplinary artist Taloi Havini was raised in Arawa, Autonomous Region of Bougainville...
Kwan Sheung Chi obtained a third honor B.A...
Laura Gannon works across a range of media: painting, drawing, sculpture and video...
Brazilian artist Rodrigo Torres has been deconstructing international paper currencies to form intricate collages of color, line, shape, and texture for several years...
Since 2004, the artists Goldin+Senneby, comprised of Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby, have been working on an ongoing performative and rhizomatic project...
Natsuko Uchino is an artist whose practice is defined by its interaction with agriculture and craft; she relocated to a rural area of France in order to have an open air studio where she could produce ceramics and work with natural elements such as mushrooms and fermentation techniques and where she collaborates with farms...
Yoshinori Niwa’s practice takes the form of social interventions, executed through performance, video and installation...
Part of a larger series of photographic works, Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck’s Corrupted file from page 14 (V1) from the series La Vega, Plan Caracas No...
In this installation, you are standing at the heart of a bicephalous space reflecting Goldin+Senneby’s main research led during their residency in Paris...
Yoshinori Niwa’s investigation into the monetary system and material goods is witnessed across a range of his works...
Kwan Sheung Chi’s work One Million is a video work depicting the counting of bills...
Following her family’s political exile to Australia in 1990, Havini began to document her journey’s home to the north of Buka Island, in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville...
Her work Al final del arcoiris (At the end of the rainbow, 2015) is a bundle of bills from Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, arranged by color to form a tight spiraling rainbow held close with a rubber band...
Drawing & Print
In his Conceito abstrato series, however, Rodrigo Torres turns to the abstract, using the shapes, numbers, lines, and subtle colors of international currencies to create non-representational forms with lavish geometries and baroque curving forms....
The impressionistic surface of Wild Money (2017) recalls the 1950s paintings of Philip Guston...
Squid Currency is a series of 13 non-calibrated double-sided tin coins made using a casting technique dating back to Neolithic times where cuttlebones (squid bones) were carved by hand and then used as a mold...