Untitled (City Limits) is a series of five black-and-white photographs of road signs, specifically the signs demarcating city limits of several small towns in California. Taken outside Palmdale, Littlerock, Pearlblossom, Victorville, and Barstow, towns where the population does not exceed 20,000, Ruppersberg’s trip follows the outskirts of Los Angeles. As with many of his other photographic series, the artist here inserted into each view a constant element that disturbs the otherwise quiet scenes: a hand holding an open magazine.
The solitary figurative sculptures of Frode Bolhuis are untethered to any one specific culture or frame of mind, existing at the convergence of generations and experiences...
Artfucker’s recent body of work, displayed in the exhibition “Smoke Show,” meditates on just how accustomed viewers are to the omnipresence of marketing efforts...
The work of Sean Landers has long examined the relationship between artists and their own work, including the adventures of the character Plankboy...
Sam Gainsborough's film "Facing It" cleverly combines live-action actors and mixed-media stop motion...
In Amy Brener's "Omni-Kit" sculpture series, everyday objects and imagery are reprocessed into totem-like sculptures that speak to ritual and memory...
Combining melted paraffin wax and pigments, Dylan Gebbia-Richards crafts luminous and otherworldly landscapes...