View From an Apartment features 18-year-old Joland Novaj whose image was taken from Instagram. Staring vacantly at his cereal bowl, his computer is open on his own Instagram account and Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” lies open next to it, illustrated with a XV century illumination. Beyond the room there is a bay, lined with modernist buildings.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Wrong Currency (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) by Sanya Kantarovsky uses the stylistic vernacular of five separate artists to create a series of five lithographs, dealing with a series of apparently unrelated happenings, each staged as one “day.” The series takes up Kantarovsky’s theme of embarrassment across a variety of scenes, each populated by multiple figures, set in a disjunctive relation. The visual forms are brought into conversation through their shared emotional cadence. Kantarovsky proposes an affective affinity beyond style or subject matter.
In the work Cinema , Fang Lu explores in a meticulous yet un-dramatic — almost casual — way of how “the self” in our today’s life is a controlled and staged construction of oneself. What appears at first sight to be a not unusual performance of self-choreography, becomes at a second glance a disturbing portrait of a – female – persona brought to life under contemporary conditions of attractiveness, anxiety and narcissism. Unlike her previous works, which duel more on the internal, surrealistic human conditions, this seven-channel work elevates the individual relationship with its socio-political environment to a more recognizable and appealing set of behavioral actions of self-awareness and self-inflicted anguish.
Artist and curator Sanya Kantarovsky works across mediums to grapple with embarrassment and shame, emphasizing alienation through exposure of that which is deeply personal...
Fang Lu uses intimacy as a place for self-expression in her videos and draws out mundane moments from everyday life as a strategy to heighten one’s awareness of existence from the rest of the world...
Jean Claracq uses his work to deal with issues of loneliness in the social media era, depicting scenes of everyday life featuring isolated individuals against broad infrastructures as an evocation of alienation...
Based on photographs and domestic environments, Maaike Schoorel’s paintings are charged with an atmosphere of melancholy and loss...