Merantau Sejarah/Identiti Selat Melaka: Name Laundering oleh Irwan Ahmett dan Tita Salina | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles October 28, 2019 Oleh Fasyali Fadzly (1,150 patah kati, 6-minit bacaan) Jauh perjalanan, luas pandangan...
The brutal examinations of "Constellation of Violence" | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Hideto Maezawa October 8, 2019 By Patricia Tobin (561 words, 4-minute read) Constellation of Violence consists of a very simple setup: a giant screen on stage, a historian, two artists and a group of individuals...
The Personal, the Humour and the Horror: Interview with Irwan Ahmett | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Hideto Maezawa October 7, 2019 By Patricia Tobin (1,140 words, 6-minute read) The concluding production of TPAM 2019 was Constellation of Violence , a lecture-performance by artist Irwan Ahmett, which focused on the culmination of the Cold War in Indonesia in 1965, from its lead-up to its aftermath...