In Trinity , Wang Mowen uses video to tell the story of a young woman who wants to know the whereabouts of a person born sixty years ago. She visits three fortune tellers and provides the person’s birth date. Each psychic deliberates and comes to the correct conclusion that the woman in question is the seeker’s mother.
Kamau Amu Patton’s painting Static Field I originates from a system of electronic and digital media. The image we see on the canvas was created by pointing a camera into its output—a gallery wall—and subsequently generating a feedback loop. Patton then records the distorted image, digitizes it and prints the file onto unprimed canvas with the help of a machine.
Edith Dekyndt looks at the waters of the Dead Sea, that become almost an abstract undersea landscape. The exceptional physical qualities of this salt water make this an unusual study: depth, weightlessness floating, where the presence of salt eradicates any possible life form. Dekyndt films the emptiness and the supposed absence in this sea, in which we can, however, notice an immense richness of movements and colors due to light variations of light.
Mario Garcia Torres discovered the work of artist Oscar Neuestern in an article published in ARTnews in 1969. This article, which is the only trace of his work, is indicative of a lack of interest by Neuestern to leave his name in history; to “defend an artistic activity that has little or no interest to last.” Oscar Neuestern could only remember the previous 24 hours, of which his life and his work are in constant erasure and reconstruction. His practice was “to let things be done with time and the unconscious,” while “not fearing the void.” He looked for the absolute through transparency and symmetry.
Edith Dekyndt’s work observes, identifies, and transforms the performative phenomenology of ordinary materials, objects, and gestures...
Trained as a photographer, artist Wang Mowen was born and raised in Dalian and she currently lives and works in Beijing...
Kamau Amu Patton is a collector of the intangible...