This video installation was made for the exhibition “Journey to the West” held in January 2012 in New Delhi, where a group of curators invited six Japanese artists to produce a work to be made around the relationship between Japan and India. In the framework of this exhibition, Meiro Koizumi decided to use a controversial book of modern Japanese history The Judgement of Justice Radhabinod Pal , as material for his work. Koizumi created a performance combining the paradoxical context of this book with monstrous representation of Indian gods.
The Chair (2012) foregrounds media-based tensions between analog and digital imaging technologies as a means of challenging the continued circulation of visual ephemera from India’s colonial past. A mix of found photographs and staged studio portraits deliberately made to look older, The Chair features multiple portraits of figures dressed in period costumes that reference the ornate fashions popular during Great Britain’s imperial rule of India. A hybrid frame wraps around this assemblage, a composite of variously ornate and simple wood finishes culled from disused and forgotten pictures.
Nandan Ghiya is an emerging whose practice explores the disjunction between various forms of image-based media...
Meiro Koizumi is a Japanese video and performing artist, born in 1976...