Zbigniew Rogalski territory extends from painting to photography. Here , the artist turned his attention towards the photographic qualities in painting and towards the pictorialism found in photography . As the artist mentions on his website,” this work is about flying and the experiences connected with it – the person floats under the ceiling like a balloon, being hunched in a position recommended during an emergency landing”.
One Million is a video work depicting the counting of bills. Divided into three versions, the video first shows a number of Japanese ten-thousand-yen bills being counted without in an orderly, efficient manner. In Two Million , a similar counting of one-thousand-dollar bills from Hong Kong follows.
Reborn, 2010 is a three-channel video by Desiree Holman that questions ideas of motherhood and the maternal instinct. The video features a group of women as they tenderly cradle lifelike baby dolls atop their rocking chairs. Although at first, the video might appear as a celebration of the maternal bond, the scene soon becomes eerie and unsettling as we see milk spilling out of the mothers’ mouths.
With the exemplification of visual illusions, such as reflection and obliteration, Rogalski is questioning reality and its mode of représentation...
Kwan Sheung Chi obtained a third honor B.A...
Reborn, 2010 is a three-channel video by Desiree Holman that questions ideas of motherhood and the maternal instinct...