Em’kal Eyongakpa was born in Cameroon in 1981. After obtaining a postgraduate diploma in Botany and Ecology, he decided to concentrate exclusively on visual and sound art. His use of poetic, symbolic and surrealistic imagery is often sprinkled with paradoxes that challenge the obvious.
Phinthong made four photographs depicting fragments of meteorites of which the faces have been polished to reflect the sky. Lying on the ground, on what appears to be woodland ground, the form of the meteorite disappears and the reflections of the clouds seems like a piercing of the ground.
Phinthong made four photographs depicting fragments of meteorites of which the faces have been polished to reflect the sky. Lying on the ground, on what appears to be Woodland ground, the form of the meteorite disappears and the reflections of the clouds seems like a piercing of the ground.
A Viewing (The Effect) by Anthony Discenza is a continuous voiceover loop intended for presentation in a dedicated, light-and-acoustically controlled space. “The Effect” employs hundreds of fragments of text culled from the internet by searching for occurrences of the title phrase. These fragments, which all address visual scenarios, were sequenced and edited to create the impression of a single text; this was recorded as a voiceover and presented in an acoustically controlled space devoid of any visual information.
The work is a speech composed of excerpts from autobiographies of well-known political characters. From each book an excerpts that describes a childhood event and one that describes a political event or statement was selected. The former, in most cases, functions as an alibi or explanation of the latter.
Vallance’s Rocket is a vibrant picture in which masses of color and collage coalesce into a central vehicle, yet the whole surface seems lit with the roar of space travel. This varied use of media has enabled the artist to bring all of the life, energy, and objects he works with into a single image.
Pratchaya Phintong’s works often arise from the confrontation between different social, economic, or geographical systems...
Em’kal Eyongakpa was born in Cameroon in 1981...
The work of Nicoline van Harskamp addresses the function and power of the spoken word, and its ability to influence perception and shape thought, both of which are instrumental to politics...
Since the late 1990s Anthony Discenza’s work has focused primarily on the omnipresence of mainstream media...
Vallance’s Rocket is a vibrant picture in which masses of color and collage coalesce into a central vehicle, yet the whole surface seems lit with the roar of space travel...
The work is a speech composed of excerpts from autobiographies of well-known political characters...
Phinthong made four photographs depicting fragments of meteorites of which the faces have been polished to reflect the sky...
A Viewing (The Effect) by Anthony Discenza is a continuous voiceover loop intended for presentation in a dedicated, light-and-acoustically controlled space...