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Masterpiece in the Water

Lu Pingyuan

Installation (Installation)

Masterpiece in the Water by Lu Pingyuan tells the story of an impatient collector who is killed by an artist. This murder becomes an artwork in of itself as the story within the story sheds light on the psychological anxieties faced by soldiers during war time, the family bond, and the paranormal. This playful, yet violent, story explores the amusing similarity between supernatural events and the creation of artistic ideas, while reflecting on the complex relationships that exist within the art world.

The Wedding

Elham Rokni

Film & Video (Film & Video)

“The Wedding” is the centerpiece of a series of works centered on a film of the artist’s parents’ wedding in 1978, the year before the Iranian revolution that gave power to a religious fundamentalist regime. Struggling to remember the details and the date of the event, Rokni’s relatives inadvertently embellish and recreate the excitement, confusion, and eventual disappointment of those historic months in Iran. The uncertainty about the wedding date seems to mirror the confusion of the historic turmoil about to sweep Iran.


Meriem Bennani

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Fly was first commissioned as an immersive video experience for Meriem Bennani’s first solo exhibition at MoMA PS1 in 2016, imitating the mosaic structure of a fly’s eyes with a patchwork of projectors. As a single channel video, this work focuses more on the succession of sequences, shot in Bennani’s hometown of Rabat, showing interviews with relatives, an open-air market or a wedding, and jamming them with surreal digital manipulations. A recurrence throughout the film is a fly that accompanies us along the journey, as a childish motif or the symbol of a vanitas , able to sing Rihanna’s song.

Elham Rokni

Born just after the Islamic Revolution, Elham Rokni (b...

Meriem Bennani

The work of Meriem Bennani traverses video, sculpture, multimedia installation, drawing, and instagram...

Lu Pingyuan

Lu Pingyuan works with a variety of media such as texts, videos, installations, paintings, performances and other...