Like most of Laura Rokas’s hand-stitched works, Once in Two Moons was made while she sat in bed, imbuing the work with a tender sense of domestic intimacy. The scene’s dominant figure is a faceless woman whose blood red, dagger-like fingernails, polka dot jacket, and jet black hair resemble a sort of avatar of the artist. The figure surveys a chaotic scene that might be described as a “cute apocalypse” (a phrase Rokas says is characteristic of her work in general).
Winfield St by Sadie Barnette depicts a seldom documented scene of men and boys in an intimate domestic setting. In the large format photograph three young boys and a man sit at a dining room table, eating a meal together. One boy is mid-bite, while another looks directly at the camera, obscuring the face of the adult.
Feet Under Fire by Lungiswa Gqunta depicts the artist’s lower legs swinging in and out of frame, above a bed of charcoal. She wears a pleated white dress, two identical white anklets, and a set of bristle brushes as shoes. Affixed to the base of each scrubbing brush is a black strap so that the brushes don’t fall off of her feet.
In Kan Xuan’s four-channel video Island , a series of objects like nail clippers, hairbrush, toothpaste, and house decorations are shot in close-ups. These highly polished and aestheticized images create a poetic visual flow. However, in front of each object lies a coin of different value—two yuan, one pound, one euro, one dollar—that silently reveals the material value of the household supplies.
In the video installation A Gust of Wind , Zhang continues to explore notions of perspective and melds them seamlessly with a veiled but incisive social critique. His ultimate goal is to reveal the ways in which social image is constructed and to cast doubt on the ephemeral vision of a middle-class utopia offered by mass media.
Sadie Barnette’s practice calls attention to family and community histories through photography, drawing, sculpture, and installation...
Lungiswa Gqunta’s practice addresses issues concerning South African post-colonial culture and the country’s contemporary political landscape...
Laura Rokas is a painter, ceramicist, and textile artist...
In the video installation A Gust of Wind , Zhang continues to explore notions of perspective and melds them seamlessly with a veiled but incisive social critique...
Like most of Laura Rokas’s hand-stitched works, Once in Two Moons was made while she sat in bed, imbuing the work with a tender sense of domestic intimacy...
Feet Under Fire by Lungiswa Gqunta depicts the artist’s lower legs swinging in and out of frame, above a bed of charcoal...
Winfield St by Sadie Barnette depicts a seldom documented scene of men and boys in an intimate domestic setting...