“The Prisoner’s Cinema” is a phenomenon described in neurology as a hallucination, that appears after a prolonged absence of visual sensations. A blind screen of hallucinations forms itself on the eyes cut off from visual stimuli. The subject can see this projection, but fails to register these mental images, transforming it into an intimate and personal experience.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This work is part of an ongoing project that looks at international sports competitions as a revealing element of nationalistic aspirations which present contradictions. The starting point of this work was inspired by private companies which were responsible for the security of the Olympic Games in England and also supply equipment for immigrant detention camps and prisons. This work questions the use of the stadiums other than for sports competitions.
Haig Aivazian is an artist and a writer, born in 1980 in Beirut and currently based there...
Scientific research, high and mass culture, and the processes of cultural production in contemporary society plays an important role in the work of Rotterdam-born artist Melvin Moti, currently based in Rotterdam and in Berlin...
“The Prisoner’s Cinema” is a phenomenon described in neurology as a hallucination, that appears after a prolonged absence of visual sensations...
Drawing & Print
This work is part of an ongoing project that looks at international sports competitions as a revealing element of nationalistic aspirations which present contradictions...