Raphaël Zarka discovered the scientific manuscripts of Abraham Sharp while in Oxford. Sharp was an English 18th century astronomer whose treatise Geometry Improved became the subject of a new body of photographs and sculptures. In this document, Sharp draws infinite possible combinations that enable the making of a polyhedron from a wooden cube – the most complex figure allows a perfect form with 120 facets.
Cumulocumulonimbus capillatus incus functions on the mode of a mise en abîme: it is a cube composed with 8000 dice. The work plays with chance, each installation produces a renewed visual combination. Robert Filliou said that Eins.
Evariste Richer constantly invents new standards for measurement which are mostly objects to prompt the spectator’s potential investigations: avalanche probes, a meter drawn from memory, a meter with no measurements… Meteorology, science, magic, mineralogy, photography, optics are his preferred terrains...