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theme: autobiography.n.01

Object Type


Decade Work Created


Artist Name

Object Sub Type

Game II

Uri Aran

Installation (Installation)

Like much of Aran’s work this sculptural installation is akin to a riddle. It has no exact meaning, and it can be somewhat frustrating, yet with careful inspection it begins to reveal unexpected information. In his 2014 exhibition at Peep-Hole, Milan, where this work was shown, Aran referred in a series of new works to Mancala games.

Character Witness

Nicoline van Harskamp

Installation (Installation)

The work is a speech composed of excerpts from autobiographies of well-known political characters. From each book an excerpts that describes a childhood event and one that describes a political event or statement was selected. The former, in most cases, functions as an alibi or explanation of the latter.


Lee Kit

Installation (Installation)

The work Tender is composed of several elements: a porcelain spoon, a florescent lamp box, a small portable night light, a shelf with nearly invisible embossments of flowers and a jar of jam resting on a black plastic tray. The cardboard painting is made of acrylic and inkjet ink on which we can read Tender . Tender is a brand of extra soft tissue paper, it refers to an intimate comfort but results in a sentiment of melancholy and absence.

Elina Brotherus

Elina Brotherus depicts, through her photographic work a portrait of the contemporary artist made during different artistic residencies...

Nicoline van Harskamp

The work of Nicoline van Harskamp addresses the function and power of the spoken word, and its ability to influence perception and shape thought, both of which are instrumental to politics...

Lee Kit

Born in 1978 in Hong Kong Lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan Lee Kit represented the Honk Kong pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2013 where the exhibition was turned into a half functional private space...

Uri Aran

Born in 1977 in Jerusalem Lives and works in New York...


about 189 months ago (06/18/2009)