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theme: authority.n.01

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Page 3085, The New World Political Map

Hong Hao

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Selected Scripture is a series of silkscreen prints that Hong Hao has been working on since the 1980s. The series includes 37 prints to date, each of which resemble pages of an ancient open cartography book. In this series, the artist reflects on the authoritative influence of ancient books that shape dominant understandings of the world.

A Thoughtful Gift

Pio Abad

Sculpture (Sculpture)

A Thoughtful Gift by Pio Abad is based on a version of a letter written by the former First Lady of the United States, Nancy Reagan to the former First Lady of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos. Written in 1986, the letter assures Marcos of their safety from persecution in the United States, following widespread anti-government protests across the Philippines. The Marcoses were granted exile in the United States by the Reagan administration and they eventually fled to Honolulu.

I Am Blue, 1

American Artist

Sculpture (Sculpture)

From suicides, to gang violence, to the epidemic abuse of force by police departments (predominantly against Black men), to school and mass shootings, there is perhaps no more urgent issue in the United States than gun control. The color blue is a proxy for both sadness, and a color that is emblematic of American law enforcement services. I Am Blue, 1 by American Artist is a sculpture that fuses a school desk with a ballistic shield.

Page 95, The Latest Practical World Map

Hong Hao

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Selected Scripture is a series of silkscreen prints that Hong Hao has been working on since the 1980s. The series includes 37 prints to date, each of which resemble the pages of an ancient cartography book. In this series, the artist reflects on the authoritative influence of ancient books that shape dominant understandings of the world.

Page 2123, The New World Physical Map

Hong Hao

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Selected Scripture is a series of silkscreen prints that Hong Hao has been working on since the 1980s. The series includes 37 prints to date, each of which resemble pages of an ancient open cartography book. In this series, the artist reflects on the authoritative influence of ancient books that shape dominant understandings of the world.

La Cultura de la Felicidad (The Culture of Happiness)

Luis Pazos

Photography (Photography)

La Cultura de la Felicidad (The Culture of Happiness) is a series of five photographs addressing everyday life—a couple in a bed, lovers on a bench and a family reunion. The subjects wear masks made of white cardboard. The series suggests the idea of a reality hidden under the appearances of the power in place that denies violence to citizens.

The Hole’s Journey

Ghita Skali

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The Hole’s Journey by Ghita Skali follows a complex political satire involving a worn-out floor, a political activist, and the Ouled Sbita tribe of Morocco. For 23 years, the director’s chair at an international art institute in the Netherland’s scratched the wooden floor below it. For Skali’s project, a 102 cm x 120 cm section of this scratched floor was cut out and mailed to an expropriated region in Morocco.

Hong Hao

Spanning photography, painting, installation, as well as behavior and performance art, Hong Hao’s artistic exploration is informed by the many cultural, political, and economic shifts in his lifetime...

American Artist

American Artist makes experimental work in the form of sculpture, video, and software that comments on histories of race, technology and forms of knowledge production...

Ghita Skali

Ghita Skali is a visual artist that uses odd news, rumors and propaganda to disrupt institutional power structures such as the western contemporary art world, state oppression and government politics...

Pio Abad

In his practice, Pio Abad looks into the social and political significance of objects usually consigned to the sidelines of history...

Luis Pazos

Argentinian artist, born in 1940, Luis Pazos transitioned from an experimental poetry and editing practice to the creation of actions and happenings in the 1970s...


about 159 months ago (01/19/2012)


about 167 months ago (06/11/2011)