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theme: artificial_intelligence.n.01

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Juan Obando

Film & Video (Film & Video)

They/Them by Juan Obando is a video essay and deepfake that uses Adobe Stock clips, maintaining their branded watermark, but animating the scenes underneath with a narrative of self-critical awareness. It’s a meta-narrative that uses the staged scenarios (as evidence) to talk about the variable politics (and mercenary capitalism) of the stock footage industry and the misinformation dilemma we’re facing with the arrival of AI technology. In a surprising reversal, a deepfake is used to tell the truth.

Miercoles cerca de las 7 de la tarde (Clepsidra series)

Carolina Fusilier

Painting (Painting)

Miercoles cerca de las 7 de la tarde by Caroline Fusilier portrays two quantum computers that are mobile, with human-esque legs, these are systems at the edge of biology. The floor is awash with fluid; perhaps a chemical resource consumed by the advanced computers or a heat-sink. Where their legs meet the fluid there’s a soft glow, less intense but related to the vibrant radiation on the wall above the figures.


Eduardo Navarro

Installation (Installation)

The installation Breathspace by Eduardo Navarro encompasses all the content presented at the artist’s first solo exhibition, of the same name, at Gasworks, UK. In lockdown, Navarro started drawing every day and this practice “relocated the studio to inside his head”. This meditative activity was inspired by quantum physics, according to which information in the universe cannot be created nor ever destroyed.

Daily Life of Human

Siavash Naghshbandi

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Daily Life of Human is comprised of a fast-paced series of still images selected by the artist from ImageNet, a massive dataset of images (about 14 million) produced by BigGAN. Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs for short, are AI (machine learning) programs capable of generating (synthesizing, not finding) high-quality images. BigGAN is trained on how to make a certain type of image and then starts producing new images like those it learned from.

Invertebrate Interactions

Sofia Crespo


This short looped-video NFT Invertebrate Interactions by Sofia Crespo aims to capture generated impressions of diatoms. Diatoms are the microscopic algae that inhabit a large portion of our seas, whose anatomies are characteristically enclosed in a shell of silica, their shapes formed as various symmetries. The rapid, shifting quality of Crespo’s work reflects the pace of microscopic life, which often appears sped up to our eyes.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

Pascual Sisto

Film & Video (Film & Video)

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace takes its title from a 1967 poem by American writer Richard Brautigan, which describes a utopian future where computers are in harmony with and protective of mankind and nature, performing all the necessary work while we retreat back towards nature. In Sisto’s work, a computer generated voice recites Brautigan’s poem while a series of digitally rendered 3D objects with a sleek, mirrored finish, float weightlessly across the screen. Sisto’s work also shares its title with the 2011 BBC documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis, which has the view that computers have failed in their task of liberating humanity and have instead created a simplified and distorted world around us.

Soft Materials

Daria Martin

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Soft Materials is a curious, touching but also disturbing sequence of confrontations between two people: a man and a woman, and machines. Shot in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Zurich, the humans and the machines mirror each other’s actions. It is unclear which party takes the lead.

The Planets, Chapter 32

Jackie Karuti

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The Planets, Chapter 32 (2017) is a short video that depicts the world at a time of great anxiety. However, it is done with a sharp sense of humor. It starts with a voice explaining that Africa will be partially inundated in the coming year, ending with the impossible relationship between the artist and a chatbot (primitive form of artificial intelligence).

Capture, 2019-02-02, Paris

Paolo Cirio

Photography (Photography)

Capture is a photographic series by Paolo Cirio in which the artist sourced 1000 public images of police officers’ faces and processed them with facial recognition technology. The original photographs were taken during protests in France, Cirio collected these images and created an online platform containing a database of the 4000 police faces that the AI program isolated. The artist crowdsourced their identification by name and then publicly exposed the officers by printing their headshots and posting them throughout Paris.

Capture, 2017-05-08, Paris, Macron Election

Paolo Cirio

Photography (Photography)

Capture is a photographic series by Paolo Cirio in which the artist sourced 1000 public images of police officers’ faces and processed them with facial recognition technology. The original photographs were taken during protests in France, Cirio collected these images and created an online platform containing a database of the 4000 police faces that the AI program isolated. The artist crowdsourced their identification by name and then publicly exposed the officers by printing their headshots and posting them throughout Paris.

1542-a flood ("The Unmanned" series)

Fabien Giraud & Raphael Siboni

Film & Video (Film & Video)

– In which an intelligence going back to its place of origin discovers the agony of gods on which it thrives – Seventh and last episode of The Unmanned , “a flood” is set in 1542 as the first conquistadors enter the land later to be known as the Silicon Valley. Mining the colonial past of the region, and entirely generated and edited with an autonomous artificial intelligence system, this film for and by machines only features the return of an intelligence to its place of origin and the death of the animal gods who used to live in it. Closing the series onto itself with a machine trained solely on its first episode (“2045 – The Death of Ray Kurzweil”), it shows the wandering of an inhuman vision trying to revive meaning by recognizing itself on the god’s corpses.

Capture, 2019-01-26

Paolo Cirio

Photography (Photography)

Capture is a photographic series by Paolo Cirio in which the artist sourced 1000 public images of police officers’ faces and processed them with facial recognition technology. The original photographs were taken during protests in France, Cirio collected these images and created an online platform containing a database of the 4000 police faces that the AI program isolated. The artist crowdsourced their identification by name and then publicly exposed the officers by printing their headshots and posting them throughout Paris.

1997 – The Brute Force ("The Unmanned" series)

Fabien Giraud & Raphael Siboni

Film & Video (Film & Video)

– In which defeated he leaves the scene and the stage is left in search of its scale – Second episode of The Unmanned series, “The Brute Force” reconstructs the minutes following Garry Kasparov’s defeat against the IBM Deep Blue computer on 11 May 1997. A camera with computer-programmed movements scrutinises the elements of an empty setting after the chess champion has left the scene, thus abandoning it to the disproportion of a world without its own scale.

Sitting Feeding Sleeping

Rachel Rose

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In the 2013 video work, Sitting Feeding Sleeping , Rose combines footage taken of zoo animals living in captivity with screen images that flicker and flash before us. In the narration, Rose talks about forms of life that are suspended and simulated—artificial intelligence and cryogenically frozen bodies, zoo animals and counterfeit ecologies. Through this montage of different types of footage and text, Rose poses us between the natural and the artificial, and speaks to the very strange moment of life in a world that is seemingly caught between the two, existing in a hybrid (though not necessarily symbiotic) moment of radical change.

The Black Canyon Deep Semantic Image Segments

Trevor Paglen

Photography (Photography)

The Black Canyon Deep Semantic Image Segments by Trevor Paglen merges traditional American landscape photography (sometimes referred as ‘frontier photography’ for sites located in the American West) with artificial intelligence and other technological advances such as computer vision. In order to take this photograph, Paglen traveled to the Black Canyon, south of the Hoover Dam. Only accessible by water, Paglen piloted a boat up the Colorado river into the canyon.

Half Dome Hough Transform

Trevor Paglen

Photography (Photography)

Half Dome Hough Transform by Trevor Paglen merges traditional American landscape photography (sometimes referred as ‘frontier photography’ for sites located in the American West) with artificial intelligence and other technological advances such as computer vision. This photograph was taken at Half Dome, a frequently visited granite rock formation in Yosemite National Park, California. For this work, Paglen created a digital file of the 8 x 10 inch photographic negative so that the artificial intelligence program can apply computer vision to evaluate the content of the image.

Paolo Cirio

Artist Paolo Cirio engages with legal, economic, and cultural systems of information...

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen’s work combines the knowledge-base of artist, geographer and activist...

Fabien Giraud & Raphael Siboni

The collaborative work of Fabien Giraud and Raphael Siboni is part of a reflection on the history of cinema, science, and technology...

Siavash Naghshbandi

Siavash Naghshbandi has long been interested in computer systems and the approaching horizon of Artificial Intelligence...

Carolina Fusilier

Caroline Fusilier’s paintings are dark, foreboding, and ominous...

Pascual Sisto

Artist and filmmaker Pascual Sisto is known for creating works that reimagine the mundane as captivating alternate realities...

Juan Obando

As a Colombian who studied and now lives in Arizona, Juan Obando has a non-native perspective on the media-obsessed culture of the US...

Daria Martin

A number of Daria Martin’s films explore the relationship between humans and machines and make reference to modernist art, whether through the work of the Bauhuas (Schlemmer), Surrealism (Giacometti’s Palace at 4 AM) or American art of the 1960s and 1970s...

Rachel Rose

Rachel Rose is a visual artist known for her video installations that merge moving images and sound within nuanced environments connecting them to broader subjects...

Sofia Crespo

Since 2018, Sofia Crespo has been working on what she terms “artificial natural history”...

Jackie Karuti

Jackie Karuti is an artist based in Nairobi, Kenya...

Eduardo Navarro

Eduardo Navarro explores possible points of convergence between art and science, allocating special attention to the possibility of dialogue between natural forces and species...


about 52 months ago (09/30/2020)


about 87 months ago (11/25/2017)